Chapter 13

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"Breakfast!!!!" I squealed and ran back into the hotel. Zak ran next to me. Gosh, he looked so goofy, but still so cute. 

"You hungry?" Aaron caught up to me and asked. 

"Yeah! But you guys have never seen me eat a real meal before. I eat... A LOT." I told him. He snorted. 

"Pah--lease...dainty little you?" Aaron chuckled. I scoffed. 

"Urhhm....dainty? I'm no ballerina. I'll say that." I looked at him and stopped. Zak stopped. Nick and Billy caught up. "Look at me." I pointed to myself. 

"Will do." Billy commented. My face went red and I put my hands down. 

" I look like a skinny girl?" I asked everyone. 

"Well..." Aaron looked at Zak, Zak looked like Billy, and Billy looked at Nick. 

"What I am saying is, I eat a lot...I can stuff a lot of food down my throat. I am not a dainty little Vegas Ho." I put my hands on my hips and looked at Aaron.

"Okay! I believe your words but I will have see to believe." He told me. 

"Then...let's go....I'm starving!!!" I pointed to the revolving door. Aaron agreed, Billy pulled his sunglasses down, even though it wasn't cloudy out. I knew his tricks. Nick grinned, amused. Zak and been observing my behavior like I was a lab animal. I was guessing he had never dated a 16 year old before.

So I led the way, anxious to start eating. I was really hungry. And the agitation was starting to kick in again. Not a fan of that. So I kept my mouth shut, so I could eat, feel better and begin a new journey. What would we do in Vegas today. Watch the boys gamble? See a show? Or just walk? My mind was racing with endless thoughts and possibilites. My stomach growled and rumbled as we headed into the breakfast sector of the hotel. Some people were half asleep, falling into their food. The five of  us were all hyped up from the jump. I ran ahead into the breakfast alcove and grabbed a plastic plate, lining up behind some sleepy people. There was a small fridge, a couple plastic domes with donuts, bagels, and pastries.  Then a dispenser with cereal and coffee at the end. The walls had a thick line of purple on the bottom with wavy lines underneath. The rest of the walls were white. 4 chaired tables were scattered all over the place, with a T.V in the corner of the room and a small fireplace embedded into the wall near the food.

I moved ahead as the sluggish people ahead of us move forward. I was literally bouncing up and down. I opened the fridge and pulled out some milk. Then I went ahead and pulled out 2 bagels, 2 donuts, 3 pastries, along with one pancake. I seemed like a hungry pig, but really, I was just starving. Some of the food made me gain weight, when others didn't. So once I was done with my food, I found a table and pulled up an extra chair. I sat down and began to eat my food. Oh god I was so hungry!!! I scarfed down almost everything within a New York minute. I only had one pancake left when Zak, Nick, Aaron and Billy joined me. 

"Jeez! You were not kidding!! I shouldn't of underestimated you. Bow to the oh so holy one." Aaron stared at my plate and bowed to me. I grinned, and nodded, acknowledging him.  The rest of them sat down. I carefully cut my pancake up and tried my hand at being dainty and polite when eating. But I gave in when the boys said I could. 

"It's okay. You don't have to hide your wild side. We all know that you can't control how fast and sloppily you eat." Zak told me, grinning like a mad fool. I blushed, but took the offer up and finished off the rest of the pancake very quickly. I just sat back and watched the boys eat, thinking about what would it be like to actually be locked up in a haunted building. I wasn't exactly scared of the prospect of being locked up with no way out. It was the danger that the spirits held that scared me. 

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