Chapter 10

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The ride there was bumpy. We kept hitting turbilance and clouds. I was asleep for the the majority of the time. I woke up when we were 5 minutes feom hitting the tarmac. I woke up all myslef. 

"Oh, good! You're up! We're about to land!" Aaron turned in his seat to check on me. 

"Oh. Okay." I tried to stretch while held against the restraint of the seatbelt. The plane bumped and hit the ground. At first, I was startled, but realizing that we had landed made it better. 

"Thank you for flying with is. We hope you enjoyed your flight." An attendant said over a microphone. All of us got up and exited the plade. Aaron had to get some bags. I was using my own bag to support my own weight. Both Nick and Zak watched me as I struggled to stay awake. 

"Come on, stay awake." Zak aqueezed my shoulder. 

"But I'm tired!" I whined. Nick wasn't there to comment, because he was dozing off too.  "Why don't you wake up Nick? Huh?" I became snappy and irritated. 

"Hey, now don't get like that." Zak crossed his arms. 

"You know, you're starting to sound more like my parents than my boyfriend." I retaliateed.

"Hey now! How about we get you guys to the hotel. Cause it doesn't look like you'll be moving into Zak's house anytime soon."  Someone came up behind us and spoke. 

"Billy! Old chap!" Aaron called out, rushing to Billy, his arms full with bags. I turned around to see him. 

"Aaron! And your god daughter." Billy smiled like a little boy when he saw me. Zak put his arm around my shoudler. 

"Yep and she is mine." He said sternly, but with a hint of joking to it.

"OKay, Okay. I won't touch her." He defended himself.

"Yeah, hopefully we won't have an incident when one of us walks in on them...yeahhh. that." Nick made a joke, but we all understood.

"Now, I would never do that!" Zak grinned. Aaron shot him a glance. 

"Hey did you bring the van?" Aaron asked. 

"Yep, I brought it. Come one." Billy waved us along. I found the strength to pull along my bags and walk to the van. 

When we reached the van, Billy, took the drivers seat. Aaron sat in the passenger's seat. Nick Zak and I sat in the back, all sprawled out. Once I sat down, I slumped over in the seat. Zak was supporting me. He didn't even try to keep me awake. I just  sat there, falling asleep in the car. Even though I was asleep, I could still hear talking. 

"You what?"

"I booked is 3 rooms. I didn't know we were going to have Sum-Sum with us." Zak said. 

"True...ugh." Aaron sighed. 

"Just chill. She isn't your real kid anyway. Just a god daughter." Zak reminded him. 

"Yeah. I need to chill. Okay, we'll fix that." Then the conversation went boring. So boring that I actually fell asleep. I had a short dream about being attacked and clawed to death. It was quite scary and I couldn't see anyone in the dream. 

I woke up and found myself being carried by Zak up to the Palm Hotel.

"Zak is that you?" i asked. 

"Yeah, we're going up to our rooms." He whispered. I nodded my head and gripped my arms around his neck. 

"Kodak moment right there." Billy whispered and joked. Everyone was being very quiet so they wouldn't disturb me.

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