Chapter 6

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"Don't worry Bella; Stage Two of the Give-Edward-Blue-Balls-Till-He-Snaps Plan begins at lunch. Em and I can judge his responses then."

Emmett, Jasper and I had spent the entire morning using the CIC Intranet to chat about how things went on Friday night with Rose and Alice, and how we were going to

proceed at lunch.

As with the porn re-enactment from this morning, I had my concerns about the validity of the plan. I had felt that the whole living out a porn thing was too obvious while the plan

for lunch made me feel we were being too subtle.

I had messaged my concerns to Jasper and Emmett, and Emmett had charmingly replied:

"Calm down, Goober. Most guys would be content with just a visual to spark off their imaginations. But with Eddie, being the brooding,

I-think-I'm-such-a-tortured-artist-even-though-I've-had-a-Black-Master-Card-from-birth type, you're going to have to appeal to his mind as well as his...little get him


We'd synchronized our lunch breaks perfectly, so that it would coincide with a gap in Edward's meetings and appointments. I would have asked Jasper and Emmett if they had

things to plan around, but I'm pretty certain they spent a goodly part of their day running around pulling pranks and not a helluva lot else.

I had gotten all of my things together when the guys came to get me. Though it wasn't necessarily "the" plan, we felt that me flirting outrageously with every man who

wasn't Edward was a good idea. Jasper explained that this would appeal to Edward's "inner caveman", which according to him, was buried very deep under a stack of 5-figure

Armani suits.

The idea of Edward going caveman, throwing me over his shoulder and dragging me off so he could stake his claim on me, was something that featured many a time in my

fantasies. Therefore, when Jasper practically pinned me to his side and dragged me into Edward's office, I didn't put up a fight.

Edward was hunched over his desk, sleeves of his sky blue shirt rolled up; tie loose, studiously flipping through a report with a pen tucked behind his ear. Tucking a pen

behind his ear was something he always did when he had to make notes or corrections on a document, and it was something that I – of course – found bloody adorable.

In all honesty, the man could be a closet cross-dresser and listen to the Jonas Brothers and I'd still find him freakin' perfect.

When we came in, Edward sat up straight to see who was there, and his eyes immediately zeroed in on the hand Jasper had on the side of my hip. His gaze was only there for

a second before it flickered up to my eyes.

His eyes boring into mine made me blush, and I had to suck my bottom lip into my mouth, biting it, to keep from squirming away from Jasper's hand. It was like I felt guilty that

his arm was around me just because Edward gave me a pointed look – which was insane.

Edward's gaze lowered to my bottom lip momentarily before he abruptly turned to his brother.

"What can I do for you, Jasper?"

Jasper rolled his eyes at Edward's formality, which I knew was only for my benefit. Both Emmett and Jasper had said Edward was far less "stick-up-the-ass" when he was away

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