Chapter 39

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" about this weather, huh?" Emmett asked, breaking the awkward silence.

Alice, Rose, Jasper and I turned to glare at him. We were supposed to be eating a goodbye dinner at Jasper's house. In reality, the five of us were sitting around his lounge

room, pushing food around on our plates and staring at each other in an uncomfortable quiet.

It was 8:30pm, Monday night, and I was going to have to leave for the airport in an hour.

I hadn't spoken with Edward since Friday when he told me, "Please keep my-. Please keep the ring. Please." and went and hid in his office.

When he closed that door behind him I had stared at it in shock, as if I half expected him to come back and tell me it was all a lie and that he was willing to beg for my


He hadn't. I must have been waiting there for five minutes before I realized he wasn't going to come back out while I was there.

Even as my tears spilled, I felt my body trembling in fury. How dare he? How dare he belittle what had been the happiest few months of my life with his harsh, pointed words?

So I did what any woman scorned would do. I picked up my disregarded g-string off the floor, furiously grabbed a black Sharpie and a piece of paper off his desk, and scrawled

across it:

"Edward – a few trinkets of our time together. I can see now getting me out of both of these is what was important to you – Bella."

And then I had neatly folded my g-string on top of the piece of paper, and had left my engagement ring as well. I hoped my message was clear – that I knew he regretted his

proposal the night before. And leaving the g-string, implying he was only out to get laid, was a masterstroke of female fucking vengeance. A woman scorned and all that.

Emmett broke into my memories with an irritated huff. "Well fuck me for not wanting to sit around like an idiot, ignoring the giant pink elephant in the room."

"Emmett!" Rose snarled at him, throwing down her uneaten slice of pizza. "Can we just have a nice dinner please?"

I had never seen Rose and Emmett fight before, and I regretted fervently that I was the cause of any discord between them. I knew Alice and Jasper were also arguing.

Since I had stumbled back from Edward's office on Friday; I had been staying at Jasper and Alice's. Jasper had been late leaving for work so he'd been there when Alice and

Rose stumbled in, carrying my luggage and supporting me. He had taken one look at my tear-streaked face, and had rushed off to the office.

I knew he went to check on Edward, and I didn't have the heart to stop him. What was the point in telling Jasper that Edward was probably already hitting the dating scene

again? In fact, I knew he was hitting the dating scene again, or at least going out on the town.

I knew because he had called Jasper's home phone on Saturday night. Jasper and Alice went out to pick us up some Chinese food, and because they recognized that I needed

as much space as possible post-breakup. When I saw his mobile number on the called ID, I had frozen, hand hovering in the air, not sure whether to pick up or not.

I was still undecided as the call went to voicemail, and as Edward's voice suddenly filled the quiet apartment. "Jazzzzzz..." he had rasped, sounding drunk out of his mind. I could

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