Chapter 44

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"You owe me so friggin' big, Bella." Alice growled, her eyes scrunching closed as she yawned hugely. That was slightly worrying, as she was currently applying a light sheen of

blush to my cheeks and probably needed her sight for such a task.

"Hey!" Rose called out, offended, "I'm here, too! She's owes us."

Alice rolled her eyes at me as she started liberally applying a bronzer strategically to the dips of my collarbones. "You're not even doing anything!" She called back, "I'm the one

whose trying to make Bella look like a sex goddess at six am. You're just lying in bed!"

"Geesh, I'm here from moral support." I heard Rose mutter.

Jasper, Emmett and I had set up the ultimate plan to make Edward a drooling, incoherent mess by the time I got him home today. It was a Friday, and I planned having Edward

in bed until we had to go to work on Monday morning. Stage One of our plan involved a rather painful Brazilian wax and a full beauty regiment with the girls over the weekend.

Stage Two involved Rose and Alice coming over an hour before Edward's alarm went off and doing my make-up and hair. Stage Three would involve a series of (hopefully)

well-executed incidents set up by Jasper and Emmett.

We were in one of the many spare bedrooms of Edward's penthouse, and Alice had just completed the finishing touches on my messy ballet bun and make up. Rose had gotten

out of bed, thrown on some shoes, come over, and crawled into the spare bed. I guess it really was the thought that counts.

I was wearing what could only be described as the most boner-inducing outfit in the history of the universe. It was also Edward's utter and ultimate fantasy, something I had

emulated for him before, but never to this degree. I was actually worried it looked too much like a kinky Halloween costume, but the girls told me it was just passable for polite


I was wearing a crisp, tight white shirt, with short sleeves and a slightly visible frilly white bra underneath. The shirt was tucked into a short tartan skirt, which was red on blue,

while the neck tie I was wearing was blue on red. To top off the whole thing I was wearing knee high black socks and high black pumps.

I was the kinky schoolgirl and Mr. Cullen wasn't going to know what hit him.

Rose gave me a wolf whistle when Alice and I came back into the bedroom, leering at me in a way only she could get away with.

"Whaddya think, Ro?" Alice asked her, faking a little sniffle like she was holding back tears. "Isn't it every mothers proudest moment when she gets to whore's up her little girl so

she can seduce a man?"

"You're right, Al. I'm just so damn proud." Rose grinned and clapped a hand to her heart, joining Alice in her fake sniffles.

I rolled my eyes at them. "Hardy-hargh-hargh. You two are hil-arious. Seriously, you guys Andy Dick and Rob Schneider should get together."

After I unceremoniously kicked the girls out I moved on to Stage Three: Step One, which involved me waking Edward up, kissing him goodbye and letting him get a good look at

my outfit before I left.

He was where I had left him when I'd snuck out of bed Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon style (after having removed his hand from my chest), hugging the pillow I'd slid in as a

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