Late April 1997

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Tuesday, April 15, 1997

Up to Chapter 3. Moving right along. I feel like I can't do this fast enough.

I have to admit, I feel nervous about showing this to anyone. The more I work on it, the more nervous I get. I keep changing it, but I don't know if it's improving.

Somehow, it will all lead to something. I keep telling myself that. But it does feel weird, anonymous, and lonely to do this.

I've been trying to figure out something I could do for supplemental income. Other than temp jobs. How about legal research? There's still freelance writing. I don't know. Let's face it. I'm not much of an entrepreneur. Computers. I don't know what do. Meanwhile, as Rick keeps pointing out, I haven't gotten any "flat letters" [i.e., rejections] lately. For what it's worth.

Thursday, April 17, 1997

I write things in my Day Planner and ignore them. I really shouldn't. I'll regret it, someday.

Called Andy Young. He's on leave until next week.

Saw an ad—attorneys needed for some sort of legal services plan. Maybe I should think about it.

Chapter 3 is finished. On to Chapter 4. Maybe I should try my hand at a synopsis.

Rained today. Chilly. Tomorrow, more chilliness. Snow showers?

Tuesday, April 29, 1997

Amazing things are happening.

First, I'm in, of all places, Decatur, Illinois! I'm here to help out with a document production at the client's office. I'm temping at [name omitted] again. I just looked at my old journal entry and saw the reference to the trip I missed. There's so much I could write, but it'll have to wait, because I'm so tired, and I have to get up early.

Second, Social Security called. Interview time! More later.

Adventures in Self-Publishing: Part Two -- After Closing the Law OfficeWhere stories live. Discover now