Part 4

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~Kirito's POV~

"Ya know what, I'm not gonna lie. I do like her more. I love Sinon. She's everything to me." I said

"Oh and I'm nothing to you." Asuna was about to slap me when Sinon ran in and tackled her.

"You bitch, get off of me. Why would you fucking tackle me. I cant believe this." Asuna tried to get Sinon off of her. She couldn't though, she was too weak

I helped Sinon up. I grabbed her by the waist and kissed her. I didn't care that Asuna was there.


"Yea Sinon?"

"What are you doing. Shes right there."
She said

"Well for one, i'll be doing you later. But i told Asuna that I love you and want to be with you."

"Yea he did. Enjoy being with each other. Im fucking out of here. You're a fucking asshole Kirito. Go fuck yourself." Asuna ran out of the room, grabbed her stuff and left.

~Asuna's POV~

I cant believe he would do this to me. After everything I gave him, he wants to be with her.

I started crying. Why would he do this to me. Whats so great about Sinon. Shes an insecure bitch.

~Sinon's POV~

"So about later, you gonna do me?" She said smirking

"Uh...I said that.."

"Yea." She said kinda confused

"I thought i only said that in my head...whoops." Kirito said.

"I mean like, I wouldn't mind." I said as i walked out.

~Kirito's POV~

Omg did she really just say that to me, if this is real, I'm getting lucky tonight. Please tell me I'm not imagining things.

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