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My eyes shoot open, the light shining brightly in my eyes making them sensitive. My ears are ringing, my heart beat, slow. Everything around me is going in slow motion. This is a feeling I have never felt before. I feel weak, I can hardly move. I move my head to look around. Alexander sitting next to me with his hand on his forehead crying noiseless sobs. I have never seen him cry like that before, not since John Laurens died. I weakly touch his leg, and he looks over at me. He smiles his infamous through his tears. Except this time, his teeth show. He grabs my hand an tightens his grip.

"Eliza!" He squeezes my hand and kisses it a few times, his tears making my hands wet.

"W-where....w-here is...she?" I ask, hardly able to speak.

"She passed out. I had to stop her."

He looks at me and places his hand on my cheek.

"Eliza, I am so sorry, I have been the worst to you-"


"No, I need you to hear this." He pauses. "I have lied and been unfaithful to you more than once and I need you to know, that I love you. I love you more than anything in this world. I want life to be the way it was before, but it would be selfish for me to make the choice for you.."

"What choice?"

"For you to stay married to me."

"After today, I bet you will be angry and upset and it's all my fault. But I will understand if you don't want to be with me anymore. I want you to be happy Liza. I hate seeing you unhappy. Usually there isn't anything I can do, but now I can."

I weakly place my index finger on his lips, shushing  him.

"Alex, I may be angry, hurt, and learning forgiveness, but I could never leave you. You're the only person I have ever truly loved."
He smiles at me again and then I feel my head start to throb. I groan in pain making Alexander grab both of my arms. He yells and asks me what's wrong, but I can't respond because the pain is too much. After a few seconds it becomes less painful and I look at Alexander. I can see by his face, he sighed internally of relief.
"Alex-I-We need to go."
"I know. I just- what if Maria wakes up?" He pauses.
"She could ruin me."
"Alex..." I say starting to drift off. Alex grabs my hand, trying to help me stay conscious.
"We need to get you to a doctor."
We both start to hear the floor creak. We turn our heads in sync, looking around. Maria. We see her slowly try to get up and we both know, even though we didn't say a word, that we have to get out of this house. Maria weakly gets up, hardly able to stand. She takes wobbly steps toward Alexander and I. Alexander protectively puts his arms around me.
"You really thought you could get rid of me?"
"Don't you dare touch her. The only person you want to hurt is me."
"I could never truly hate you, but you...." She pauses, directing her gaze into mine. " ruined MY CHANCE AT HAPPINESS!" She screams. "All because, he loves you!" Her voice sadistic and sarcastic.
"You're the one I want to hurt. In fact, this whole thing I planned all along." She turns away from Alexander and I.
"Ever since we first met Alexander you always told me you could never cheat on her, because you loved her." She turns around again.
"But obviously, you didn't love her enough."
"I saw the passion, the fire in your eyes when we first made love. I bet you've never felt that with her. You could never feel that fire ever again. That's why you kept coming back to me."
"Stop." Alexander says, looking away from me.
"But the one thing that got in my way, was her. It's always been her first."
"So I've made it my goal. To make you both miserable."
"For what? So that I could love you?" He asks.
"Yes, and...I love watching her suffer."
"Soon she will die, and I will have you all to myself."
"No, Maria! Please! You have to let me take her to a hospital!"
"And why would I?"
"Because if you love me, you'll let me get rid of her. She'll be out of my-our life forever." He says, slowly getting up from the floor and walking towards her. So many things are going through my head. I know that he's playing her game, but I can't leave him. I won't. He grabs both of her hands, her face showing a sense of calm. But it soon turns to rage again.
"And why should I believe you for a second?!" She snatches her hands out of his and crosses her arms.
"You want us to be together? Then we will be. Just let me make sure she's safe, and I will never see her again. It'll just be us." He grabs her hands again. This time she stays calm.
"Alright. Get her out of here, but you better come back, or I will find you, and kill both of you." Alexander nods and quickly carries me out of her house and to the nearest infirmary. I look up at him, his face showing determination and worry, and mine showing nothing as I worry about what's to come.

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