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My eyes drift open and I shoot up from my bed. I look outside and the sky is pitch black not a star is present. I stare out my window confused, wondering how I got back home in my own bed, and not knowing what day it is. I get up from my bed, light a candle with a match near my nightstand. I carry it with me as I walk over to my vanity. I look in the mirror and I see a bandage on my forehead, and I touch it lightly with my hand. This must have been from when Maria hit me in the head. Oh god! Maria! Alexander! I go into a state of panic. I begin to pace in front of my vanity, when I see a folded up piece of paper on the table. I pick it quickly and without hesitation I open it up and read it. It's from Alexander and I feel an internal sigh of relief. It reads:

My dearest Eliza,

I am so sorry to have left you in such a hurry, but I didn't want to anger Maria. I am writing this to you because I probably will never see you again. Just know that I am safe and that Phillip knows that he wont see me for a while, if ever. Please, Liza promise me that you wont look for me. I know that you will anyway, but you wont be able to find me because I am no longer in New York. I don't want you to focus on trying to find me even though I am never coming back. Move on, forget me, find someone new, let Phillip grow up having happy memories of his father. Please know Eliza that I love you and Phillip and there will never be a day where I don't think of you. Protect this from Phillip. You mean more to me than the stars and all the planets combined. I wish that I could've shown you that when I was still able to.


My eyes scan every word, a hundred, five-hundred times. Tears begin to fall like rain, then a waterfall and then tsunami. I collapse onto the floor, dropping the letter. I let out a loud cry. I begin to sob uncontrollably, I can't believe this. I will never see him again. I can't believe, I wont. How can I go on? I can't live without him. I get up from the floor, grab the letter and sit on the side of my bed that faces the window. I sit with the letter in hand watching the sky. I sit there and stare long enough until the stars start to appear. Tears begin to form in my eyes as I watch them sit still and bright in the night sky. "I know you're out there Alex, and I will find you." I say my voice shaking. I bring the letter to my heart and hold it tight. I flop onto back on my bed and sob, knowing that I will never sleep again until I find him.


I gaze out the window looking at the stars. I smile for the first time in a while because they remind me of Eliza. I feel her energy, passion, and kindness as I look at them. I know that while I gaze up at them, she's alive and safe which brings me joy. Maria walks in the room with her usual pout.

"Why are you looking so glum?"

"Well you've held me hostage for god knows how long, so why do you think?"I reply rudely.

"I'm not holding you hostage, you could leave any time you want. But you know the consequence if you do." I look down at floor. She walks over to me and sits on me so that she's facing me.

"It's our one year anniversary." She says seductively. "Shouldn't we do something to celebrate it?" She leans in to kiss me and I push her away. She falls onto the side of the couch and sits up.

"What's the matter with you?"

"I can't take this anymore! I have been held hostage for over a year not being able to see my wife and kid and it's driving me insane!"

"But you love me, remember?" She says her tone becoming increasingly angry.

"STOP PLAYING THIS GAME MARIA!" I jump up from the couch.


I pause and take a deep breath.


"She's dead."

I slowly back away.

"You're-you're lying."

"Why would I be? I'm finally rid of the thing standing in the way of true love."

"This-this was never true love!" I shout. "How could you?-You're sick! I can't believe I ever felt bad for you!" I cross my arms in front of my chest and fall on the couch.

"I didn't kill her, she killed herself."

"I....I don't believe you."

"I'm not. I have had people I know spy on her and she drank arsenic. Her only son, found her lying dead in her bedroom."

"Phillip....Oh god..." My heart sinks deeper into my chest.

"The bitch did the right thing." Maria whispers under breath, thinking I didn't hear. I grit my teeth and charge at her grabbing her neck and squeezing as hard as I can. Maria doesn't break eye contact. Her eyes show a sense of betrayal and heartbreak. I feel nothing, my morality left my body. She goes limp and I let go of her neck. She falls onto the floor like a rag doll. I stare at her dead, limp body as she lies on the floor. Remembering all the moments we shared, the good and the bad. I break out of the trance and I run to the window. My heart drops as I see the stars are gone.


Some of you guys were confused and wanted to know if Eliza really killed herself. And yes she does. She was looking for him for a year and she gave up on finding him. She couldn't take the pain any longer. I used the stars in the sky as a way to connect them both sort of. I thought that since in the story it says that the stars disappeared from the sky that would give you the answer, but I wasn't clear enough. So I am sorry about that. Hopefully that cleared up any confusion. :)

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