Chapter 8- Kindness

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The next day I buried her in the garden she poured so much of her heart and soul into. Surrounded by beautiful flowers. I could stop crying. I thanked her for every single thing she had done for me; Shown me kindness, taken me in, cared for me and loved me and never asking for anything in return. I vowed to fulfil her final request for me, I would take the kindness she gave me, and would show it to others without a second thought as to what I would get in return.

A month of mourning later I packed up my belongings, I didn't want to take anything since it wasn't originally mine. But I wanted to take something to remind me. Then I remembered, she had a small charm bracelet with a single tiny Sunflower. I decided it would be the only thing I took. I informed the villagers of her passing and handed her list of who would inherit her belongings in the responsible hands of the village chief. When I told him that I would be leaving the village he told me:

"Remember you'll always have a home here. Please return anytime you like"

I thanked him and left the next morning, carrying nothing but the clothes on my back, the bracelet loosely around my wrist, and some food and water for the road.

The Hunters who had caused Olivia's heart attack left after she died, feeling guilty and responsible. They would return in a few months to resume to track down the 'beast'.

I wasn't worried. Thanks to Olivia, they were put on the wrong path. And if I be smart, I'll continue to hide from them. And when they return to this village

I'll be long gone.

I stepped out the gates, bidding farewell to my home and went out into the new world.

There was one last thing Olivia had done for me that I had no idea about. In her letter to the chief she wrote about my secret. That I was the Dragon. And she assured him on her final words that I would never be a threat and that she wants the village to see me for who I am, not what I am.

The chief honoured her request.

2 years later

During the past 2 years I explored a lot of the Overworld. I learnt many things about humans and their way of life, as well as learning a lot of stuff about the wildlife of this world. I also made some friends.

They're nowhere near normal, but neither am I ^-^ . In a Good way

I had completely given up on searching for the one who freed me from my crystal prison a few years ago, in fact I had completely forgotten about them. I was now becoming the person I really am, personality wise, the events of the past still lingered in my memory but they didn't affect me as much anymore.

Although I would always have questions that I crave answers for.

Despite the great friendships I had made I still refused to reveal my true form to them. I continue to stay in my 'human' form around them and everyone. Although I trust them, I don't want to risk losing anyone else. I've gotten used to my human form, and I've become more willing to stay in that form for longer amounts of time. My ability to shapeshift has also improved somewhat over the years.

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