Chapter 13- Curse of the Bite

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I kept running through the village trying to find the way out. It was just about dusk, so majority of people were heading home. I thought about turning back to my dragon firm and flying away, but then I felt horrible aching pain in my left arm, even though it wasn't there anymore, the memories of the fight, my arm being stabbed and cut off, the pain I suffered through all of it. I don't want it to happen again!

So I kept running on my two feet. And on top of that I was finally able to make my tail disappear, my eyes however stay the same no matter what form I'm in. I heard Zeng calling out from behind me:

"Hey wait! Where are you going?!"

I ignored him, and pushed myself to run faster. Zeng ran after. I turned my head around as I ran to tell him to leave me alone, but as I was doing so I apparently bumped into someone, which made us both tumble to the ground. I bumped into a girl: bright red hair, tan skin, orange eyes, a floofy tail and two fox ears.

I apologised to her quickly after pulling myself to my feet, then i continuing to run. Zeng was close behind, the light of the full moon made him turn to his wild form and go feral (ie loose control)

I made it just outside of the village and I could practically taste my freedom!

However, I was stopped in my tracks, I couldn't move. Ringing in my ears, my vision blurred and started to fade, my body started to tremble. I was forced onto all fours, like gravity increased by a hundred and was pushing me down to the ground like 10 cement bricks stacked on my back. Something was definitely wrong with me. For a few moments I stayed there, Unable to move, tingling sparks flowing throughout my body, and it was starting to hurt- aching all over; muscles, bones, brain. I've felt transformation before but it's never ever felt like this- this was horrible!

When I finally felt movement, I threw myself forwards to try and jump to my feet- but in the process transformed into a wild beast, a wolf, in a fraction of a second.

When I finally felt movement, I threw myself forwards to try and jump to my feet- but in the process transformed into a wild beast, a wolf, in a fraction of a second

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(Made this in Rinmaru Games.. Just ignore the left arm, there wasn't an option to remove the arm. Also her Clothes come back when she turns back to human)

I could just barely hear Zeng Howling behind me.

Then I blacked out.

Then everything after that was a huge blur.

I woke up in a river. I was dizzy and my sight was slowly unblurring itself. I had no idea how I got into that river, or where I was either.

I pulled myself into a sitting position and looked around, the cool water trickling down my arms and dropping into the surrounding water gently. It was well into the morning. I was surrounded by fresh green grass and plenty of trees. I still had a smacking headache (Australian SLANG 4 DA WIIIIIN!!) but I was back to normal.

"ugh..What the heck happened...?"

"Oh good you're awake!" I heard someone say, cheerfully

It scared the daylights out of me and I basically flew out of the river and tumbling onto the grass. I heard a giggle and looked around for whoever said that.

All I saw was a small, bright red fox- no bigger than a pomeranion- laying in a tree, with a pink flower sitting on it's ear.

"You were quite the entertainer last night, all that running and jumping. I know a full moon is a big thing for werewolves, but you girl- were on fiya! I've never seen someone bounce around with that much energy and enthusiasm" The Fox said

I was completely without words. I just stared in awe of this talking fox.

Yep.. I'm insane...

"uuuh... are you...talking to me?" I asked it, I figured I'm already gone crazy so talking to an animal seems pretty normal now.

"Yep!" The Fox replied with a friendly smile

"I have to be dreaming. What drugs did those doctors give me!?"

"Probably a lot of pain medication."

"Wait you said 'werewolves'? ... I'm not a werewolf"

The Fox looked at me with a confused look, before jumping down from the tree and in air- turning into the girl I bumped into last night

She then pulled my hood off my head and pointed to something on my head and asked;

"then what do you call those?"

I put my hands on my head and felt something that was never there before, something soft sticking out from my head. I ran over to the water to see. The reflection was a bit WAVY (*explodes*), but I could make out a clear shape.

The things on my head were two wolf ears... (oh and also there were 3 tiny claw-like marking stripes on the top of my Jaw on both sides of my face. A marking I later find out is unique to all werewolves)


I had absolutely no words at that moment, I was a werewolf now?! How Is that even possible? How is a Shapeshifter able to get a form changing curse?

Then I recalled the conversation the two doctors had when I first woke up last night.

They spoke about how the blood might not have been purified...

Guess they stuffed up things big time.

While I stared in awe of this fluffy ears I now had, the Fox girl giggled and started to pet my head.

Which now felt really ticklish. I looked at her puzzled. She said;

"What? They're soft"

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