Chapter 10- Hunted Down

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I woke up only 2 hours after falling back asleep, which was normal. The bed wasn't as soft and comfy as I had paid for but since I was only staying one day I decided to just let it go. I got my things and left the hotel. To kill off some time I decided to explore a little bit more of the town. I somehow ended up at the library. I don't know how; I've never been much of a reader. I don't know if; not knowing how to read English for most my life, had anything to do with it.

But one book caught my attention. Titled:

'History of Werewolves'

It told a legend of how Werewolves are generally accepted to have originated; a Widowed wife who tricked a Demon into reviving her late husband with a sacrifice . As pay back the demon transformed her entire village into wolf Monsters. But I am very much generalising it. Its a looong story.. 

As I flipped back and forth between the pages I thought to myself:

"These things look really strong. Well, by human standards. I wonder how well they'd hold up against a Divine Beast?"

My thoughts were interrupted by two very loud guys on the other side of the bookshelf I was standing at while reading. Considering how loud they were talking, I couldn't help but ease-drop.

"Ugh for goodness sake Braxx we've been at this for years! The villagers of Picakori said they have no idea where the dragon went, and there's no more ways we can track it down. How long are you going to be at this?!" Groaned one of the guys

"Until time stops" Braxton said bluntly.

"WHAT?!" The guy screamed extremely loudly. They do know this is a library right?

"Corbin shut up!" I heard Braxx say and heard a slapping sound, like he just slapped him over the head and continued to say: "Keep you're voice down, Bro!"

"You can't be serious. It's just a stupid dragon ( ._. ) there are plenty of others that we could easily track down. We don’t even know if this one exists. It could all be a hoax"

"It's not a Hoax. The second I stepped foot in that village I could sense that Dragon was there. It's real and it's still out there. And I will find it. And I will kill it."

"*sign* why is this so important to you?"

"the villagers described it as a 'Snake-like dragon with feathers'. No dragon I've heard of has feathers and is 'snake-like' so I'm thinking this one isn't from this land or anywhere near it."


"Meaning, this one is a never-before discovered species!! And if I kill it I'll be fraking famous!! I can't wait to rub it all in their faces when I drag that dragon's head back to the village. I won't be the little rookie anymore; I'll be seen as the Boss!"

" You always loved monologing"

"Oh shut up!"

Immediately after he finished Talking Braxton he quickly went quiet and looked around looking extremely focused on something

"It's here" He said.

I dropped my book and flat-out bolted out of the library in a split second.

Braxton and the confused Corbin ran after.

They didn't see me in time since I was fortunate enough to be hidden amongst the huge crowd of people in the town.

"Get to the exit! The dragon will flee the town!" Braxton ordered Corbin and turned into an alleyway

I ran straight for the exit of the town. Pushing and shoving desperately through the crowd. I got out of the town just before Braxton and Corbin. I reverted to my true form and took off into flight as fast as I could. Braxx only saw me fly away, and Corbin-

He tripped over and fell on his face literally a meter away from the exit.

He didn't seem very determined...

Without a second to lose Braxton pulled out an arrow, three times larger than a normal one, and shot it into the air with amazing aim.

I sliced through the air like lightning and struck me on my stomach, where my scales were the least strong. And pieced deep into my flesh. Droplets of blood dripping down to the ground as I continued to fly away whilst enduring a horrific pain.

"Yes! Now we finally have a solid lead! Corbin, get off your arse and let's move!" Braxton cheered pridefully

Corbin sluggishly got up and followed Braxton as he followed the trail of blood.

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