Greg part 2

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I was feeling good for the first time in a long, long time. I was finally getting a chance to get out and enjoy life again, instead of just spending every waking moment consumed with either work or video games. I went out and bought E and Shrooms during the week in anticipation for the camping trip.

We had also rented a log cabin to stay in. It was near an old waterfall, and was normally swamped with other campers and tourists, but, being that this was the dead of winter and snowing like hell we would most likely have the place to ourselves. That's when we realized that if no one else was going to be up there maybe we could rent at least two more of the cabins so we could have a little more space. And that was settled.

Joey and Jenny took cabin 1, which was closest to the ranger's office. Then Christian and Andy took cabin 7, which was deeper into the woods along the trail, about a mile from where Joey and Jenny were. And Rodney and myself took cabin 8, which was literally directly across the trail from Andy and Christian's cabin. Plans were going smooth.

Then the Thursday before we were to head out, it came on the news that Lacey Kirkman had taken her own child's life by slicing his throat, and then setting fire to her home, and that the police were looking for Jessie Kirkman who had been reported as a missing person by Lacey just the Wednesday before her crime. So on Friday as we all drove up together to the camp site, it was pretty quiet.

Andy tried to get a couple of conversations started. Most of the ride, though, was just quiet and awkward. Was it wrong of me to be more pissed that Lacey's actions had put a damper on my weekend getaway than I was about what she actually did? Probably, huh? But fuck it.

Thankfully, Ranger Bob was able to lighten the mood. Ranger Bob was apparently the only ranger on duty this week; the rest of the had all come down with some kind of bug and were out on sick leave. So Ranger Bob was glad as fuck to finally have someone around to talk with. We laughed as he told us all kinds of dumb stories and jokes on our little tour of the trail.

He was taking us up to the waterfall at the end of the trail. Once we got there he sat down at the base of the waterfall which was still flowing despite the ice, the constant movement had kept the ice broken up here, even though most of the river top was covered in ice. Where he sat was a little half circle of carved stone in front of a fire pit that the ranger team from the 70's had built facing the falls.

We all sat and opened up some beer while Ranger Bob started a fire in the pit. We offered him a beer but he refused at first day because he was technically on duty, but eventually Joey convinced him that no one was going to tell on him, and he partook of the brewskis.

Dusk began to set. Then Ranger Bob (yes, we literally called him Ranger Bob, cause that's how he introduced himself, even though he knew we were going to call him that mockingly) started to tell us a story. It began

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