The cough

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Six friends sat in a poorly lit room, they sat in complete silence. Just then they heard a cough.

Rose- who was it, who coughed

There was a quiet whisper
Malec- do we have to....

Rose- yes *cutting malec off* we have no choice, you know the only sign we get is a cough.....

Jessica- she is right you know... Its for the safety of the group

Serena- please whoever coughed just tell us *she said with tears in her eyes*

Bella- I-i-it was me, I'm sorry *she begins to cry*

Rose- no please, no Bella I won't

Bella- its ok rose *she weakly smiles* I forgive you

Jessica- since she is your sister rose, you have to kill her, its only fair

Rose- ok...... I'll make it as painless as I can, Bella put your head to the wall *she said as her tears fall to the floor*

Bella did as she was told and put her head to the wall she closed her eyes and thought of heaven, were her family now reside
Rose grabbed a knife from the kitchen and ran back to the group she couldn't believe what she was about to do.

Rose- turn off the torch

Jessica turned off the torch, and as the room got silent they heard the knife perce into the neck of their beloved friend, weak whimpering sounds filled the room untill the knife was plunged once more into bellas neck.
The lights came back on
Rose threw the knife away from her and sat down away from the others shivering, she was covered in the blood of her sweet sister, and as the room went silent,

They heard a cough


Comment if you want me to make part two

Thank you for reading

Have a G'day lads and lassies

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