Greg part 1

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Last month was my 20th year class reunion. Let me start, however, by introducing myself.

My name is Greg. In high school I was never the most popular guy but I also wasn't an outcast. Long story short, I had a small clique that I ran with. I hadn't seen them in years, so we slowly drifted apart.

Jessie got his girlfriend pregnant in his senior year, she dropped out and he was severely pussy whipped so he listened to everything she said and shied away from the rest of the clique. So naturally after he graduated he slowly spent less and less time with us and more with her and the kid. Joey, Rodney, Christian, and myself stayed closer-knit for a longer period of time, although eventually through a combination of jobs, family, and just all together life, we split as well.

Joey and I still hang out on Saturdays to watch college football but the closest I get to the rest of them now are via text messages or the occasional Skype call.

So I was excited that for one night the gang would be reunited, even if it was just for one night. You see, my life had taken a bit of a depressing turn. I worked at a family video store, and lived in a shoddy east-side apartment complex. The last time I had a girlfriend was about 6 years ago. Things went sour because I was too self-absorbed and didn't pay enough attention to her. I guess my gaming habits have become a bit much in recent years, and so has my drinking. Recently, I've been contemplating suicide.

I know what you're thinking at: look at this pathetic piece of shit feeling sorry for himself for things that are his own damn fault and could fix if he wasn't so morose and lazy. And you are right. I don't deny that. My suicide, if it happens, will be fully my own fault and a result of my complacency and laziness. (At least that would have been the reason at that period in my life.)

But enough about my depression. Let's get to the reunion. So most of the guys are there; everyone except Jessie, who'd figure was a long shot anyway. Since I hadn't heard a thing from him since about a year after we all graduated, none of us could stand his girlfriend, and she could stand us. (I had at this point in time forgotten her name.)

However, Joey, Rodney, Christian, and myself all showed up. Christian with his boyfriend, and Rodney and Joey with their wives respectively. Christian introduced us to his boyfriend Andy. We of course gave them shit, not seriously but in jest as long time friends.

We had all suspected Christian as a Nancy boy even when we were kids, and when he did eventually come out of the closet, we all saw it coming and made him feel welcome, especially so since pretty much everyone else in our small Southern town, including Christian's own mother and father, treated him like a pariah. Joey and Rodney's wives were both girls. We all already knew because they were local girls we grew up with: Jenny and Rita. There's not much to say about them here at least, and besides at this point they were already off catching up with their old girlfriends.

I told the crew (including the new guy Andy) that I had about quarter sack in my car if they wanted come out back and blaze up like the old days. Back in high school we all used sneak out after baseball practice to smoke a fatty behind the bleachers. Andy and Christian both declined.

Apparently Andy was a straight edge, and Christian now took his job too seriously to smoke up, but they both said they would join us for the company anyway. We stood around reminiscing on days gone by, telling Andy about all of our adventures since he wasn't part of our initial group. He asked about the other guy (Jessie) and we all informed him that Jessie was a little bitch.

Just about the time the blunt ran out Joey said he had to get home, that he and Jenny had to watch their niece tomorrow while Rita's sister went job hunting. We all said our goodbyes to him, but just then as he turned to go he nearly collided with her: a very thin, very frail looking woman in stained sweats and a black wife-beater walked around the side of the bleachers."Lacey?" Joey said as he quickly apologized for nearly knocking her off her feet. "Where is he?" she asked as tears began to stream down her cheeks.

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