The cough part 2

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Five friends sat in a poorly lit room with the bloody body of a girl that lays motionless, lifeless in the corner

Alex- rose.....*she said trying to get her attention*

Rose continued to stare into the darkness crying and whimpering

Jessica- WHO FUCKING COUGHED YOU BETTER FESS UP OR YOU'LL KILL US ALL *she yell in both fear and anger*

Malec- jess please.. Yelling won't help our situation *she said in a whisper*

Alex- rose are you ok?

Rose continues to mumble and twitch

Alex- uhh guys somethings wrong with rose

All of the girls turned and faced roses direction
She was mumbling, shivering and rocking back and forth
Her eyes seemed to be lost, she seemed to be unaware of her surroundings

Alex decided to get closer to her, as she got closer she heard her mumbles clearer

Rose- *mumbling* I am a good sister I'm not a killer I am a good sister I'm not a killer I am a good sister I'm not a killer

Serena- I can't take this anymore *she stands up* I was the one who bloody coughed *tears welled up in her eyes she grabs the bloody knife she looks up to face the girls in the dimly lit room* I'm sorry I hope you all get through this *she closed her eyes and plunged the knife into her neck, blood oozing out of her as she fell to the floor

They all sat there in silence trying to process what there friend just did just then

They heard a cough


I hope you liked this chapter comment if I should continue and please don't forget to vote

Have a G'day lads and lassies

AlexisAmelia101 as Alex
Check her out she writes awesome fanfiction complete opposite if me

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