Part 17

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Kira's POV

I woke up to the sun intruding into my personal space. I willed the shades to cover the window and suddenly the sun was no more. There were perks to having the creator of all things residing in you. More like becoming you actually. Me and Oto {101 Tailed Fox} were merging into one being. I would be Oto and Oto would be me. I guess I could add Asa {Zero Tails} to that list to, because he resides in me also.

Slowly, as I grow, I would merge more and more with Oto and eventually Asa that I would become them and them me. Unfortunately, I can do nothing to speed up this process, lest I want my chakra coils to burn out. When I fully merge with Oto, which would be in 2 years, anything that is sealed in to me, like Asa, would immediately merge with me, instead of having to wait. Once I fully merge, my chakra coils would fade away and I would instead be made of life itself. Since life is the creator of all things and ultimately the destruction of all things, I would no longer classify as human or demon or anything. I would be everything and nothing at the same time.

I would be life because since Oto is the creator of all things, how did he himself come to be? Well, once there used to be nothing. Nothing at all. Think of a void that never ends. In this void was drifting pieces of life scattered around, not ever connecting. One day, all the life in the endless void came together and made something. This something took all the life in the void, no piece left out. This something was Oto. Oto then began creating things and more life, even if it was less potent than Oto himself, and soon the void was filling up with more and more things.

I sigh as I think about it. Being everything and nothing all at once is pretty terrifying once I think about it. But oh well. It's just how somethings work out I guess.

I hear Naruto murmur in his sleep right next to me. His legs are splayed out everywhere and he's wrapped around me like a koala. I smile as I tug him closer to me. I drift off to sleep again as it is to early for this. My last thought was that, 'Naruto and I are maybe a little to close to be just friends.'

Later That Morning

I wake up again and it's now 7. Naruto is still clinging onto me like his life depends on it. His mouth was just a bit ajar and a side of his face was resting on my bare chest. I carefully unwrapped myself from him and got out of bed. I go to the bathroom and take a quick shower. I dress myself in black shinobi approved sweatpants only, no mask or shirt. After I brush my teeth, I go to the kitchen to make a light breakfast for Naruto and I.

Today was the day of the Chūnin Exams and I know Naruto was excited to participate. Even though I told him what was going to happen in each section, he's still pretty excited. He's still able to be happy even after all that has happened to him. That made me smile. I shake my head and set the food on the table before going to wake Naruto.

"Naruto, time to wake up. The Chūnin Exams are today." I say loudly while shaking him softly. He grunts before rolling over and going back to sleep. I sigh before I jump on the bed and quickly straddle Naruto. I put one hand next to Naruto's face to hold myself up before using my other hand to grip his chin. 

"Naruto! Come on. Wake up." I say louder this time before shaking his chin to get him to wake up. His eyes open slowly before a small flush of red begins creeping up from his neck when he sees me on top of him. I smirk before shaking him once more.

"Come on! Chūnin Exams. We got to leave in an hour if we don't want to be late." I say, before jumping off the bed and sauntering off into the kitchen. "Get ready!" I yell without looking back. I can hear him shuffling around as I eat my breakfast. He finally comes out, freshly showered. He has a pair of black ANBU pants on with the ankles taped down with a tight black t-shirt underneath a slim black vest and black shinobi shoes. All of it has obviously been chakra empowered and stitched with the Uzumaki and Ōtsutsuki Clan symbols. Naruto quickly takes to his breakfast before asking, "Aren't you going to get ready?"

"Give me a second." I say lazily before heading toward our room. I quickly change into red ANBU pants with the ankles taped down with a loose black tank top and my customary mask. I also take a backpack as I always do and wear black shinobi shoes before heading out. As always, it's been chakra empowered and has the customary Clan symbols stitched onto it. Naruto nods at me as I come out and I turn into a crow and fly up to land on his shoulders.

By now it's 7:50, giving us enough time to meet up with our team and walk to the Academy for our first test. I see them waiting together quietly at a corner a block away from the Academy. Naruto waves at them and they wait for him to catch up before walking to the Academy together. We made it there in no time and quickly avoided the commotion on the second floor and we made it quietly up to the third floor. How most of those Genin on the second floor haven't realized that they were in a low level genjutsu and that they were on the second floor instead of the third, I do not know. I say most of the Genin because I saw a couple of them faking back there, so they could appear weaker than they actually are. Smart strategy, bad execution.

We finally made it to the exam doors and see Kakashi waiting for us. I fly over to him and land on his outreached arm. He strokes my head and I nip his fingers affectionately. 

"You guys made it." Kakashi said.

"Did you really think we would actually pass on this opportunity to move up in ranks?" Naruto asked with an amused smile gracing his face.

"Honestly? No. We all worked to hard for you guys not to pass this." Kakashi said, doing that eye-smile of his.

"But in all seriousness, I have no doubt all of you will pass." Kakashi said brightly. I flew back onto Naruto's shoulder as Kakashi moved away from the front of the door.

"Good luck." He said as he shunshined away.

Well, I finally updated. Sorry it took so long. I make no excuses for going away for so long.

Also, thanks for the reviews! They made me smile. :]

And if you haven't realized from the fairly obvious clues in this chapter, this is going to be a Kira/Naruto pairing. This means SLASH or YAOI people. 

Well, that's all for now. Until next time. :{)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2018 ⏰

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