Part 14

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Third Person POV

"Wait... What?" The Hokage exclaimed. "So, you're telling me you brought four high class criminals to the leaf village and they want to be shinobi here!"

"Yep. That's exactly what I'm saying." Naruto said.

Naruto and the whole gang made it back to Konoha in one piece. They were now all piled up in the Hokage's office. The Hokage pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a long sigh. The criminals stood off to one side with Naruto in front of them. 

"Uh... Why?" The Hokage asked.

Naruto motioned to the 4 of them to tell the Hokage why they wanted to be shinobi in the leaf village.

"Well, me and Haku tried to make amends with our village, but they rejected us and then tried to murder us. All I want for me and Haku is to live a life not on the run. The only reason we took those horrendous jobs from people like Gato is because nobody would hire us for anything else and we needed money, but we would be shunned everywhere else we went. We hope that you would allow Haku and I to become shinobi of your village. I believe we would be great assets to your forces." Zabuza said, with a hint of nervousness edging his words.

"Me and my brother Gōzu wish to become shinobi for your village because of the same reasons as Zabuza and Haku. We were shunned from our villages and have nowhere else to go. We too believe that we would be great assets to your forces." Meizu said, bowing his head slightly.

The Hokage just gawked at them with a face overcome by disbelief. 

"Of course Naruto would be able to convert missing nins to become leaf shinobi." The Hokage muttered. He then looked up to them and with an exasperated sigh said, "Well, welcome to the leaf. Need I remind you that you will be under close watch for the next following months and we have to evaluate your skills to see where you will be placed in our rankings. Try not cause any ruckus okay. I already have enough paperwork to deal with, I don't need you to adding on to my never ending pile of papers."

The four newly appointed leaf ninja looked absolutely shook, but were eternally grateful to a certain blond. Kira cawed happily and all was well. All of the people filed out of the office with the exception of Kakashi, who had to hand in his written report.

"Well that went better than expected." Haku said. Everyone nodded at that statement.

Everyone left to go there own separate ways. The four criminals followed Naruto, seeing as they had no idea where to go. 

Naruto looked behind him and saw four ninja trailing behind him like lost puppies. He sighed and turned to face them. "I'm assuming all of you have at least some kind of money." They all nodded. "Well then, since all of you are going to be closely watched by everyone, I propose that all of you combine your money to buy a house which all of you will share and live in. It would make it easier to watch you and in time, it could help you gain trust more easily." Naruto says.

"That is a formidable plan Naruto-kun." Haku said.

"None of that. All of you just call me Naruto okay." Naruto said. 

They all nodded and set off to find a house to their liking. After many hours of arguments and pricing issues, Naruto broke the tie of which house they were going to buy. All four criminals settled on a 3 story house which was nice and roomy. It was painted a very bright green on the outside and all the rooms inside the house were painted different neon colors. It was a bit pricey, but Naruto chipped in and they bought. After all of the criminals settled in, Naruto left, but not before giving them a warning about staying out of trouble and behaving. From their past run-ins, they knew to take his warnings and almost threats seriously. After giving his final warnings/almost threats, Naruto left and headed to his own home. 

'The Chunnin Exams are soon. Knowing Kakashi, he'll probably nominate us. The sooner the better right.'  Naruto thought to himself.

He then sighed, feeling weary. Naruto just wanted to plop down in his bed and never get up again. Some could argue that his laziness could rival a Nara's. Even if he just wanted to go to bed, Naruto had some questions concerning the Zero Tails that he wanted to ask Kira. He finally made it home and changed into his night clothes. As soon as Naruto and Kira were situated on the bed, Naruto fired questions at Kira.

"You said that the seal that contains the Zero Tails right now could allow himself into a human." Naruto asked.

"Essentially, yes. The human would be a vessel of some sort while the seal would be a gateway. Since I'm part human, it would work on me to. I'm just glad Asa is happier and not so lonely now. Though I have a huge headache because Oto and Asa have been bickering non-stop." Kira said, eye slightly twitching.

"Interesting... Though I don't understand how your body can contain two beasts. Especially with that amount of chakra and power." Naruto said.

"Like I said before, I'm part human, but not completely human. I'm part Phoenix and Dragon, not to mention how many other bloodlines I have mixed in me from previous generations. I'm probably more beast than human anyway." Kira said with a contemplating look on his face.

"If your more beast, does that mean your made up of chakra to?" Naruto asked. 

"Not essentially. I may be more chakra based than human based like how I am more beast than human. I don't really think about my lineage or what I am exactly because I honestly don't care. I am what I am and it's no use worrying about it. I guess the phrase I'm looking for is love yourself for how you are." Kira said.

Naruto nodded, signalling he didn't have any more questions. After a few minutes, they decided to turn off the lights, and soon they both fell asleep.

So I was reading some of your guys comments and they made me happy. 

I finished this chapter because of two comments that really made my day. 

If your reading this ScarNow and MillionthAnimeFreak, I dedicate this chapter to you.

(I couldn't figure out a way to incorporate more than one dedication in my story. Even though it only says I dedicate ScarNow, you are one of my dedication too MillionthAnimeFreak.)

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