Part 6

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At The Hokage's Office (3rd Person POV)

"Alright Kakashi, I'm going to show you your team next." The Hokage said. Kakashi walked to the front as everyone crowded behind him and the Hokage. They all wanted to see the Uchiha in action. As the crystal ball activated, everyone gasped at the scene before them.

"I don't get why he likes you. He should like me! I am an Uchiha after all!" Said the famous Uchiha. He then grabbed for the crow's neck, but before he could, a hand grabbed his fingers and bent them back painfully. The crow lazily flew up and landed on the shoulder of a blonde who was holding the Uchiha's fingers back. They heard a gasp from behind the blonde and saw a pink-haired girl holding her hands up to her mouth. She too, looked very shocked.

Then a voice that was very low could be heard coming from the blonde. It seemed as if his voice was echoing around the very room the Hokage and the teachers were in.

As he bent Sasuke's fingers back, in a very low voice he said, "If you ever try to lay a hand on any of my animals again, I will beat you to a bloody pulp. Understood." Growled the voice. He seemed and looked very mad.

The Hokage shut off the crystal ball after that.

Everyone just stood there trying to process what they had just seen. The Uchiha kid tried to wring that crows neck. All of the jonin-level teachers were fuming. None of them liked him anymore.

"Who was that blond kid and why was he wearing the rookie of the year headband?" Asked the ever-observant Kakashi. The Hokage quickly sent for Iruka and he came in no time.

"Who was the rookie of the year this time Iruka?" Asked the Hokage. Iruka was very confused as to why all the jonin teachers were here and why the Hokage was asking him who the rookie of the year was. He then realized all of them thought Sasuke was rookie of the year and then laughed to himself.

"You wouldn't believe who. It was Naruto Uzumaki. He had the best scores out of anyone in both written and physical exams. He got 100 out of a 100 in everything. He beat the scores of all the ninja who have taken this test since this school was built. Even Uchiha Itachi." Iruka said gleefully.

Naruto was always one of his favorite students, even though he was a bit troublesome. He knew Naruto had the potential to be a great student, he just didn't know how great he already was. And, now that you mention it, Naruto started the academy at 8 years old and had only 3 years of learning experience, while the others started at 6 years old giving them 5 years at the academy. Naruto knew his fellow classmates would take the test when they were 11 years old and probably pass. Naruto had failed the test on purpose so he could graduate with them! Iruka was blown away by this new realization and quickly told his fellow comrades what he was thinking about.

All the people in this room were shocked. Shell-shocked in fact. They couldn't believe they had so ignorantly missed this fact. 

"Well, what do we do?" Asked Kakashi. Everyone looked at the Hokage for an answer.

"I always knew he was hiding something when he came back to the village. But he asked me to respect his wishes and not push it. And that's exactly what I did. I'm glad I didn't push it, because it would've sent him farther away. So, I ask you all to do nothing about it and do not push it." Said the Hokage.

"What do you mean by 'came back to the village'. I thought he never left." Said Kakashi.

The Old Man looked up angrily and said, "He left the village when he was 3 and came back when he was 8. He never told me what happened in the 5 years he's been gone. I only know that I'm glad I didn't send anyone after him to bring him back. What happened in those 5 years must've been life-changing and good for his soul because when he came back, he didn't hold any resentment towards me or the village, even after what they've done to him." The Hokage said, ending that sentence with a dark look on his face.

"Why would he resent the village? Why would he leave in the first place?" Asked Kakashi. 

"That's not my story to tell. What you have heard in this room stays here. If I hear that anyone of you spoke of this, you will be sentenced to a life in his prison. And don't prod the boy into giving you answers. Understood." The Hokage asked. They all nodded in respect and a bit of fear when they heard about the prison. They weren't about to disrespect his wishes.

"Now Kakashi, see to it that the Uchiha boy gets no favoritism. None of your students, actually. Now go meet your students. All of you. I sense there is some bad blood forming between the two boys." Said the Hokage.

"Actually, I think Sasuke is the one with the rivalry, while Naruto was just annoyed." Kakashi said. All the other teachers murmured their agreements before shushining out of the room the room to go meet their students.

The Hokage just sighed, before going to work on his greatest enemy, Paperwork. He internally cried before getting started. 

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