Part 5

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Naruto's POV  ( Bet You Didn't Expect That )

I felt Kira nestle into my shoulder and lean against me, while Kurama sat lazily on top of my head. I thought about how lucky I was to have been saved by Kira. He was one of my precious people. Kira then cawed softly and flew off my shoulder. He landed on one of the desks, and to my utter surprise, he transformed back into a human. This left me flabbergasted.

You may be thinking, what's the big deal, but you don't know Kira like I do. He is completely and utterly antisocial. It's not in his nature to come out and show himself to people, his true self mind you. In the past 3 years we've been in Konoha, Kira has never gone out of the house in his true form. He usually puts up a henge or transforms into an animal. So saying I was surprised would be an understatement. 

"What are you doing Kira? Why did you come out?" I asked, very confused.

"It's gonna be a while till the other people start coming in and I was getting bored, so I came out of my crow form." Kira said while yawning.

I must have looked very confused, so he sighed and said, "It's a big day for you Naruto. For big days, I don't want to let you down by letting my quirks get in the way. But as soon as I sense another person coming, I'm turning back to a crow." 

He came out for me? He came out because he thought he would let me down. Is he really that stupid. How could he ever let me down! He is the only reason I'm here today, breathing. But to come out, even for a little while in his true form. I run up to him and gave him a slap on the head before pulling him into a bear hug.

"You stupid 101 tailed moron. You could never let me down. You throw those thoughts away in a bin because they're lies." I mutter into his neck. I knew he could hear me because of his heightened senses. I sniffled into his neck and I saw his ears went pink. I let him go as he turned into a crow and nestled into my shoulder. I could see Sasuke wrapping a regular blue shinobi headband on his head before walking towards this room smirking. I saw all this with sensory. 

Sensory is basically a shinobi that is capable of detecting the presence of others. There are several methods of sensing, but the most common one is through a target's chakra. A skilled sensor can detect their targets from a great distance, as well as differentiate persons by their signature alone. They are even able to tell when other sensors are using their abilities. Since I was trained under Kira, nobody can detect my sensory, not even the most skilled sensors. I can even hide all my chakra or make it look like a different chakra and no sensor could tell the difference, except Kira.

I sensed Sasuke right in front of the door and just sighed. He's an arrogant ass who thinks he's better than everybody. He doesn't piss me off or anything, he's just really annoying. Ever since his clan got slaughtered my his older brother, Itachi, he thinks he's some kind of avenger. Itachi only killed his entire clan because he was ordered to. The Uchiha clan was planning to take Konoha by force. The only reason Itachi left Sasuke alive is because he didn't want to harm his baby bro. Plus, Itachi has the Mangekyō Sharingan, meaning Sasuke has no chance in hell of beating him. I know all of this because I broke into the ANBU headquarters and read everything I could find. I was bored, can you blame me?

I then saw Sasuke come in, smirking because he thought he was the first one finished. He then looked up at me and scowled. 

"This place is the room for only people who passed." He said in an arrogant voice. I just showed him the black headband tied loosely around my neck. He gaped at me for a second before quickly recovering, but I saw.

"That headband is only for the rookie of the year. They must have mistakenly given it to you instead of me. Now give it to me." He said in a demanding tone.

"Nope." I said popping the p. "They gave me this headband because I'm the rookie of the year, not you." I said in a monotone voice. I saw an irk mark appear on his forehead before he blindly ran to me, trying to grab my headband. I lazily caught his fist and shoved him back lightly. He growled and came at me again, but I weakly kicked him and that apparently made him go flying a few feet away. 

He got up again and I said, "I wouldn't do that. Iruka and the other students are coming." He must've thought I was pretending or something because he smirked and came at me again. Iruka opened the door and saw Sasuke going to hit me. Before he could intervene, I caught Sasuke's fist and shoved him a few feet away from me. Then I looked at Iruka again.

"Could you please ask this idiot to stop harassing and tell him that this headband is actually mine because I am rookie of the year." I said in a lazy tone, while showing him the headband around my neck. The students who were behind Iruka just looked at me in disbelief.

A certain pink-haired banshee even said aloud, "Yeah, right. Like Naruto could be rookie of the year. I bet he stole that headband from Sasuke." She screeched. I roll my eyes and look at Iruka again. He seemed surprised by my reaction, or lack thereof.

He then turned to Sasuke and the rest of the class an said, "Naruto is not lying. He had the best scores of anyone here in both written and physical exams. He got 100 out of 100 in everything. He beat the scores of all the ninja who have taken this test since this school was built. Even Itachi Uchiha." I could tell Sasuke tensed at the mention of his brother. Everyone just looked at me and Iruka in disbelief. I just sighed and ignored them.

"He must have cheated! NO ONE CAN BEAT MY SASUKE!" A pink-haired banshee named Sakura screeched. Everyone covered there ears because of that. I could feel that Kurama has been awoken from his nap and he growled at Sakura because he had sensitive ears and she woke him up. She immediately went still with fear as did most people in the room.

"Can you just shut up Sakura. You awoke Kura from his nap and he has sensitive ears. Talk like a normal person for once!" I said icily, feeling a bit annoyed. Kira just cawed at my misfortune while Kurama jumped onto my lap, getting comfortable, but I knew he wouldn't be going back to sleep. I sigh. He's going to be irritable all day. I stroke his fur while looking back up at everybody.

"I assume you all passed. Can we just be assigned to our groups." I say, while looking up at Iruka. He gave Kurama one last glance, before heading back down. As he was heading back down, everyone found themselves a seat and I realized Shino and Shikamaru were sitting next to me. I didn't mind these guys, so I let it be. I zoned out after that until Shikamaru nudged me and the pointed to Iruka. Iruka was reading out the team numbers and names that went along with them. 

"And in Team 7 is Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and Sakura Haruno." Iruka said. I inwardly groaned at being stuck with those two. They're so annoying. 

"Now everyone get with your groups and wait for your new teacher to come along." Iruka said as he finished reading out all the names. I wasn't moving from my spot, so eventually Sasuke and Sakura came to sit with me. I felt like banging my head against the table. 

Sakura cautiously came towards me, still afraid of Kurama and me. I just smirk and continued petting Kurama. Kira perched on my shoulder, looking around lazily. Kira then suddenly snapped his beaks in annoyance. I saw that Sasuke tried to pet him. Kira flew off my shoulder and then landed on my arm. I stroke his head softly and saw Sasuke growling in annoyance. I decided to play with him a bit more.

"Why did you try to touch my bird." I said with an annoyed glint in my eye. Kira then cawed, as if he was trying to back me up. I inwardly smiled.

"I don't get why he likes you. He should like me! I am an Uchiha after all!" He said fuming grabbing for Kira. He was aiming to close his fist around Kira's neck and I heard Sakura gasp behind me. Kira flew lazily onto my shoulder as I grabbed Sasuke's fingers and bent them backwards. I knew that the Hokage and our teachers started spying on us a few seconds ago with his crystal ball, and I let him see this.

As I bent Sasuke's fingers back, in a very low voice I said, "If you ever try to lay a hand on any of my animals again, I will beat you to a bloody pulp.  Understood." 

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