06 ♡

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| six

"Nice house you got." Daniel said while he stopped the car. I looked at Zoey sitting in the back. Her face was really in disappointment.

"Uhh.. thanks. I need to go now. Thank you for the ride." I opened the car door then shutting it close. I saw Zoey not making eye contact. I know she's very disappointed, but I didn't expect this at all. I also expected Jacob, but I guess we're both wrong with our predictions.

"I'm home!" I shouted as I opened the front door. I placed my bag at the couch. I heard the knife slicing on the chopping board. I went to look on what she's slicing.

"Hey honey, You hungry?" My mom asked as I sat on the chair in the dining area. I placed my head straight on the table.

"How's school? Is your professor torturing you again?" She asked while placing those chopped tomatoes into a big bowl. I'm guessing she's making salad, one of my favorites. I lifted my head that was on the table.

"Nah, not really, but I have a small problem." I said emphasising the word 'small'. She then placed some chicken on the stove.

"Well, you better fix that problem until it's small. You can't tell when it'll grow." She advised. I nodded in response.

After a couple of minutes, the chicken was done cooking. My mom mixed all the veggies and added the chicken. She also then added a little hummus. Hummus honestly makes everything taste better.

"Let's already eat, so you can go up and study." She placed a plate in front of me.

"Where's dad? Isn't he home yet? I mean, it's like 7:30. It's very late." I said while my mom was serving me the salad.

"He called me a while ago, and told me that he'll be a little late. Don't worry he said he will be around 8:00 o'clock." I nodded my head in response. We started eating; after a couple of bites, my phone rang. It read "Daniel". Did i save his number? I don't remember, but I guess I did.

"Sorry mom, I should take this." I stood up and when up to my room. I slid the button, and started talking.

"Uhh, hey Daniel? Is this you?" I blurted out. Oh shit, he'll know that his number is saved. Wrong move, Savannah.

"You have my number saved?" He asked. I can tell he's smirking through the phone. I rolled my eyes on how dumb I'm actually am.

"Your sister gave it to me. In case she doesn't answer her phone, I'll call you to ask where she is." I explained. Woah, good excuse, Savannah.

"Okay, whatever you say." He said in disbelieve.

"Why'd you call? I was eating dinner. You kinda interrupted me and my food." I said while laying on my bed waiting for him to give me a valid excuse on why he called.

"I just wanna tell you that I really meant what I said earlier. I really like you, Savannah." He blurted out. I froze unable to say anything. It was silent for a whole minute. No one is talking. Then I heard the front door open.

"Um, Hey, I need to end this; My dad is already here. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye." I didn't even let him talk. I immediately ended the call.

I went downstairs. I saw my dad kissing my mom's cheek. Okay, that's so sweet. Oh my lord, my heart.

"Hey dad, how's work?" I ask while he sat down to eat. I also went to sit down to eat the rest on my plate.

"Still the same. Same people, same responsibilities. Promise me when you grow up, you need to enjoy life. Okay?" He told me. I smiled at him then we started to eat.

I was about to go to sleep when my phone vibrated a notification. I reached for my phone that was on my nightstand. I clicked on the home button and I shut my eyes in the brightness of my phone. It took me a while to get used to it.

I got a text from Jacob. Woah, this was unexpected, and he responded really late.

from: jacob
~ Yes. This is "thee" Jacob Sartorius. Who's this?

I literally flipped out. What will I reply? This is gonna be so awkward.

to jacob:
~ It's Savannah. Sorry for interrupting you tho.

I sent it waiting for a response. I was crossing my fingers the whole time I saw the gray bubbles pop up.

from: jacob
~ Oh, right. Well, where'd you get my number? Did you get it from Daniel?

I was planning to sleep at around 10:00, but Jacob suddenly responded to my message. I guess, I can sleep a little more later.

to: jacob
~ Actually, I got it from Zoey. Sorry if I kinda surprised you.

from: jacob
~ No, it's okay. I'll just save your number.

I smiled at his response. He'll save my number. My smile got wider every time I imagine him and I together. I know, I'm dreaming. I honestly can't be with the hottest and handsomest person. Well, I can always dream, am I right?

to: jacob
~ Thank you, Jacob. Goodnight :)

from: jacob
~ Goodnight, Savannah :)

Honestly, the best night of my entire life. I really am in love with "thee" Jacob Sartorius.

Heya people! I'm alive! Happy 2018! May 2018 be good to us. Love y'all!
- yuka

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