07 ♡

370 21 5

| seven

It was Friday morning, and I just woke up. I started my day by praying and thanking the Lord for another day. I then grabbed my phone on my nightstand. Time check was 6:18 am. I start school at 8:00 am, so I have plenty time to do my routine.

"Mom! What's for breakfast?" I shouted coming down from upstairs. I heard sizzling from the kitchen. I went to look and saw my dad cooking. Woah, this is new.

"Uh, dad?" I questioned. I just needed to be sure because my dad never cooks, never!

"Good morning, Sav. You're up early. What do you want, bacon or eggs? or maybe you want both?" He said then turned the stove off. I sat down on the chair.

"Dad, you never make breakfast." I said in a shaky voice. You know that voice when you can't believe what you're seeing? Yes, that voice, that shaky and confuse voice.

"Your mom is still sleeping, so I decided to make breakfast; and besides as you said I never make breakfast and your mother is really tired from work yesterday. She told me before we fell asleep." He placed bacon and eggs into my plate. I looked at the perfect sunny side up egg, and those juicy bacons. How come my dad just made breakfast now?

"Don't you have work today?" I asked while cutting those eggs in half. He looked at me for a while. He was like trying to remember something. I made a confused face.

"I'll get something upstairs, be right back." He then ran upstairs. That's odd, my dad isn't like this at all. Oh well, I like how he cooked these, so I don't mind.

My phone vibrated a notification. I checked it, and it was Zoey, not good.

from: zoey
~ We need to talk. Meet me later at the library before first period. Don't ditch me.

She's mad. She doesn't text like this. Oh no, I messed up, big time. I didn't know that it was his brother. I expected Jacob not Daniel. That's different.

to: zoey
~ I'll be there.

I rushed up while my dad was going down.

"Woah, woah there. Why in a rush? It's 6:45. It's still very early, and I wanted to give you this." He said and handed me a box. I exactly know what it is. I looked at him, and he was smirking.

"Open it. I wanna see your reaction." I placed the box on top of the table. My dad was in complete excitement. He was more excited than me.

I ripped the wrapper and saw a brown box. I opened the box with a knife.

"Oh my god! Dad you did not!" I was tearing up. My dad actually bought the new Canon EOS 80D Digital SLR Camera. I was literally crying at this point. I expected that he got me a pair of shoes or something, but this!

"I knew you wanted it so bad, so I kinda broke the bank; but it's all worth it for you." He said then kissed my forehead. I'm so lucky to have my parents. They are the kindest ones!

"I'll use this for YouTube or Instagram. I'm so excited! Thank you so much, dad! You are the best! I love you!" I kissed his cheek. I ran upstairs to review the camera. I'm very impressed. Its quality is so good!

I started testing the camera. Woah, i love all the pictures I've taken. I'll definitely post these on Instagram.

from: daniel
~ Hey, Can I pick you up? Of course, if you don't mind.

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