I'm not a doll *poem*

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I'm not a doll 

I don't sit still 

I don't shut up

I don't have a thin as hell body 

I don't have that perfect face 

My face is shattered 

My dress is torn 

I don't like pink 

If that's what you think 

I walk around 

For the world is your playground 

I am an average body weight 

And my face is beautiful 

People walk past me 

Because I'm a shattered sight 

I hear that they say I'm ugly

A mistake 

They even tell their friends 

Look at that doll 

But I hear you know 

My face has been shattered 

Just like my heart

I was  brought home one day 

Returned the next 

Left like this 

I'm a doll

I suppose 

For this is who I pose 

What I wear 

What I weight 

What I care

What I debate 

To you 

I'm a doll 

But listen okay

I'm not a doll 

I'm not mistake

I'm a rare sight 

I'm not the same girl 

With blond hair and a bow 

I'm a girl 

Who got what to show 

I'm a gorgeous sight 

And I shouldn't be ignored 

My dress  is broken 

You can help me fix it 

My face is shattered help me fix it 

Change me to not who you want to be 

But make me 

Look me ...

I know I speak like one 

But trust me 

I'm not a doll 

- Phoenix 11/26/17

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