Him & Her

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“Tina! Take these cookies to the new neighbours please,” my mum yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

“erghh muuummm....I’m busy! You do it.” I replied to her with a snappy tone.

“I wouldn’t tell you to do it if I could now would I? I’m a mess from all that baking. Just give them the welcoming basket of cookies and come back. It’ll only take 2 minutes”

I wish I had a brother or sister, that way I wouldn’t be the one doing all the work. I snatched the basket from my mum’s hand and gave her an annoyed look.

I was wearing tracksuit bottoms and a white sleeveless tight top. I wasn’t exactly what the neighbours would want to see first thing in the morning, I’d probably frighten them into moving again. Nevertheless I put on my red Vans and went to the next door neighbour’s house. I rang the bell and stepped back off the doorsteps. No one answered. I rang the bell again. No one answered. Man I felt like an idiot; they were definitely home because a car and a motorbike were parked outside, then why weren’t they opening the door? I turned around and was about to go back home when someone opened the door.

“What the fuck is your problem?” a deep, masculine, pissed off voice asked.

I turned around ignoring the fact he was so rude. I looked down and answered.

“Sorry, I just wanted to give you a welcoming present. I live next door and as your our new nei-” Wow. I immediately stopped talking when I slowly looked up. A perfectly tanned, well built guy was my new neighbour. I checked him out from bottom to top; he was in his boxers and topless. His 6pacs were hard to keep my eyes away from, his sharp jaw structure, the way his blue sparkly eyes locked with mine. I looked at his hair, his messy light brown hair which was going in all directions. Bed Hair. Uh ohh, now I realised why he was so pissed off...I woke him up.

“Are you done checking me out?” reality hit me. I stepped out of my daydream and went pure red. I could feel my cheeks become hot and blushing. Shit. He realised I was checking him out and probably thinks I’m a complete freak for not talking. Say something!! “I-I uh as if I’d check you out” I rolled my eyes and quickly handed him the basket before he could say anything. “Welcome to the neighbourhood, enjoy your cookies.”

“Did you make them?”

“No, my mum did. Now can I go? The sight I have to look at isn’t very pretty.” No way did I just say that. I shocked myself, I’m never that mean. I was about to apologise when he replied.

“Says the girl that was just checking me out 2 minutes ago”

“I wasn’t checking you out!” I snapped but he ignored me.

“The sight I have to look at isn’t peachy either. What the fuck are you wearing? You sure you’re not a dude?”

“Whatever. Erghh, why did the old couple have to move?” I questioned and started walking off back to my house.

“Should count yourself lucky sweet cakes, you’ve got me, Kyle Taylor as your neighbour.”

I shouted back to him, “and you’ve got me, Tina Smith as your neighbour.”

“So? What’s so special about you? Nothing different, just less pretty than the others.” He winked at me. He did not just call me ugly!! I gave him a deadly look and stepped inside my house, slamming the door behind me. ERGHH! Who did he think he was, spoiling my mood early in the morning! I ran upstairs and looked at myself in my bedroom mirror. Am I ugly? Am I the same as the others? What did he mean by “the others?” I looked at my hair; I couldn’t help but stare at it. My blonde once silky and perfectly curled hair was now all over the place, so bushy. I looked down at my eyes; I had forgotten to wash off last night’s make up and I now had black smudges of eye liner and mascara under my lower eyelashes. Oh no, for fucks sake. I looked at my top and realised it was see through. Oh God, he probably thought I was some slag or something. At least my tracksuit bottoms were okay...oh wait...it had a ketchup stain on the left thigh part. Thanks mum! I thought to myself, because of her I had ketchup as she made fish fingers for breakfast, because of her I had to give the next door neighbours cookies while looking like a trap, because of her Kyle’s first judgement of me was bad.

“Grrrr!! Fuck my life!!” I shouted while falling back onto my bed.

“What’s wrong Smith? Can’t get me out of your mind?” I heard the voice, the same deep husky voice I heard 10minutes ago. Got to admit, it was quite sexy. Straight away I got off my bed and looked towards the window. Kyle was looking directly at me, leaning against the side of his window wall.

“Greaaaattt, not only are you my neighbour, your bedroom is also a foot away from mine!” I said faking amusement in my voice.

“I know! Aren’t you just soooo lucky! Now you can check me out even when I’m in my own personal space.” It was obvious that he was just as annoyed as I was at the fact that his bedroom window was right opposite to mine. I could literally crawl into his room, that’s how close it is.

“Heh, very funny. As if I’d check you out, there’s nothing to be looking at.”

“Oooo touchy.” Kyle smirked at me and I gave him a wide fake smile.

“Now if you excuse me I need to get changed, Bye Kyle.”

“Gee neighbour, are you not going to stay in those sexy ass clothes of yours?” The sarcasm was clear.

“Pffftt” I had nothing else to say so I just closed my window and quickly shut the blinds.

Fantastic. My next door neighbour is a comeplete cocky fustration. 

Kyle’s POV 

She shut the blinds on me. Tina Smith. The name was stuck in my head like a catchy song. I fell back onto my bed and stared at the ceiling. She was different, nothing like the other girls I’ve known, why did she play so hard to get? Am I not sexy enough for her? Ha-ha I chuckled at the thought of me not being sexy enough for anyone; nahh that can’t be the reason. I can’t get her out of my mind; the way her sparkly green eyes connected with mine when I first saw her. I knew this one was going to be hard to get, she clearly wasn’t interested so why can’t I stop thinking about her? Why am I trying to attract her? Psht please, I don’t need her. There are plenty of other fish in the sea.

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