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He woke up with a clang as he strained against the metal bindings. He sighed softly before yawning and stretching his back as much as the floor would allow him too. He heard the distant weeps of other prisoners and sighed softly before looking down.

'I need to get out of here.' He thought quickly

His thoughts paused before he leaned against the wall and heard a distant conversation.

"I heard there going to put the humans against eachother."

'Humans? Theres other humans?! Oh god.' He thought as his breath quickened and sweat started to form.

"I heard they were going to put the special human against the champions..."

His breath stuttered to a stop and he froze in fear. Special human...? Who the hell is the 'Special Human'.

"Either or, they are going to suffer. Let's hope they get through this alive."

He nodded in agreement. He was on edge and his nerves jumped when footsteps ended in front of his cell.

He quivered until the cell door scraped open and watched a guard make a grab for him. A bruising grip tightened onto him like a vice and he was manhandled out of the cell and down the hall.

'Well look at that, I guess I'm the 'special human' He thinks sarcastically before he can hear distant roars of what appears to be a crowd.

His knee's shake and he begins to lose balance until he's thrown upwards again. He trembles as they meet a gate a sword is place into his hand. His eyes widened at the sight and he began to protest.

"H-hey what the-" He was then cut off as he was shoved out into an open area and the entrance behind him closed.

He shook in fear and looked across the barren landscape as the purple lighting beat down upon him.

The crowd was still going crazy and he looked around fearfully. The large echoes of noise frightened him before he looked forward at his opponent and everything turned numb.

There stood a person. Chestnut hair to the shoulder, and yellow eyes that glowed viciously. He froze before uttering out in horror.


The person before him snarled and launched at him with what appeared to be a staff.

'Okay not Pidge' He thought in relief.

He yelped as he dodged quickly out of the path of the staff and rolled against the ground. He raised to his feet slowly before backing away and putting some distance between them. He examined there features and then it clicked.

'Holy fuck its Matt'

He froze and stared in shock. He broke out of his trance when the staff came upon him. He twisted his torso and barely avoided his skin being hit however the staff smashed upon the metal leg giving out a resounding 'clang'. He retracted his leg and sighed in relief to notice it was still working and not destroyed, just some scratches and dents.

'I need to finish this fast. He's going to kill me. Come on Lance think!' He mentally yelled at himself as he narrowly missed the shots.

A thought went through his head and it clicked. 'I just have to break him out of it!', He jumped back and opened his mouth yelling out.

"What would you think Katie thinks?!" He yelled out and the arena quieted as it echoed. The peers watching curiously as the current champion froze in place.

The yellows eyes stared viciously at them before they flickered. Lance grinned in accomplishment and began to yell more.

"What about your dad and mom? Your dog! What about Katie? What about Shiro!" Lance yelled out as he was met with yellow eyes with no pupils. They stared at him in hurt before they flickered and a groan escaped the older Holt's mouth before falling to his knees.

Lance gasped before rushing forward and putting a hand on his back. He looked around the arena and noticed a commotion. His attention snapped towards a angered Lotor. He cursed softly before lifting Matt up gently and began running towards the almost closing gates. His prosthetic aiding him in his sprint. He eventually slid under the gate and threw Matt forward. They landed against the metal wall.
Lance sighed. "Were fucked now.."

Matt could only nod in agreement.

Hello. Okay so I literally have no motivation for this story so either im just going to write a big final, that is if people even read this lmao. okay well this was super rushed and im too drained to check for mistakes but hope your enjoyed.

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