Meeting Them

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Laura's POV
I was playing my piano when my phone goes off. I pick it up and check it. an unknown number.

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By friend I meant telling my guy best Friend Seth, I never told Seth

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By friend I meant telling my guy best Friend Seth, I never told Seth. Cause I don't know what to think. Maybe they won't like me.

I start singing. I am just playing the piano too.

I finish. I hop into bed and start thinking. My whole life was a lie. What if the Herron's don't like me because I have anxiety and I have panic attacks?

I fall asleep thinking.
5:00 AM

I get woken up by mom

"Honey. We are going to Dallas to see your family" she says rubbing my head.

I nod and get up and pack and get dressed into something cozy.
With ugg boots.

We are at Philadelphia Airlines and I hate airplanes

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We are at Philadelphia Airlines and I hate airplanes. My ears always pop but I fall asleep easily.
After flight

We get off the plane and my mom notices I'm shaking. "It's gonna be okay dolly" she says kissing my head. We get an Uber to the Herron's residence. Soon enough we pull up to their house and it's bigger than ours back home. We knock on the door and I don't expect a lot of people awake it's 8 AM to be honest I would be sleeping too.

A woman answers the door "Hi I'm Myta" she says shaking our hands. I smile "I'm Laura" she smiles brightly. We walk into the house and I see a little girl yelling up to somebody up the stair case. I look up and see a guy a little younger then me. "Hi I'm Ryan" He says waving. I wave.

I walk over and lay my bag down. "Sweetheart you look tired, why don't you lay down on the couch and take a nap" Myta says. I nod and lay down on the couch and doze off.
Zach's POV

It's around 8:30 Am and I wake up to Reese screaming downstairs. I fix my hair and I walk downstairs to see a women I've never met.

I walk over awkwardly to my mom "hi mom" I say hugging her. "Hi Zach. This is Margaret. Laura's mom" I widen my eyes. "Well hi. I'm Zach" I say hugging her. "Man you look just like her" she says. I smile "where is Laura" I ask scratching my ear. "She fell asleep on the couch" my mom says leading me over. I see her laying down on the couch passed out. "Well we both love to sleep" I say laughing. I then look at her and see she has Rosy cheeks like me. She resembles me so much.

Time passes and I am playing with Reese when Laura wakes up. "Hi" she says. "Hi I'm Zach" she gasps and hugs me. I am surprised but I hug her back. I then see my mom tearing up. She stops hugging me and says "sorry" I laugh "it's fine." We start to talk when Reese says "who this Zach?" I put her on my lap "This is Laura" I say. "Hi I'm Reese." She hugs Laura. Reese then starts examining Laura's face. "You too sit by each other" She demands. We both laugh and Reese then says "you too look a lot a like."

Laura sighs "who knows that I'm your sister?" I think "My mom dad and me." I nod.
Laura's POV

"Tell me about yourself" Zach says. I sigh. "Well I'm 13 turning 14 in February. I love music. I used to play basketball until I messed up my knee. I have brown eyes and I always look like I'm blush and I live in Pennsylvania"  he smiles. "I love music too. My whole family does." I laugh "then it runs in the family. Tell me about yourself. "

"Well my name is Zach. I'm 16 and I'm in a band called Why Don't We. I have brown eyes and I always look like I'm blushing and I live in Texas and LA" He says. "A band?" I ask and he nods. "Didn't you see that kid that went viral for singing stitches at school" He asks me.

THat was him?!?!

"That was you?!!!!!" I say. He laughs and nods. "What's your bands name?" I ask

"Why Don't We" I pull out my phone and I search them up.

"I know him! From American Idol" I say smiling.

"Yeah. You know you look a lot like Reese when you smile" he says. I look at Reese. "Well we are sisters."

The day continued on and I got to know my family really well. My adoptive mom went to the hotel while I spent a night here. "Laura" Zach yells. I run up to his room "yeah" he motions for me into his room "so I have a concert tomorrow for the band and I. I was wondering maybe you could come?" He asks hopeful.

What about my panic attacks. I can't be over whelmed or in big crowds. Or elevators too long for the matter. "Are you okay?" Zach asks. I snap out of my daze when I realize tears are in my eyes. "I haven't told you something yet" I say sitting down on his bed.

"What's up" He says sitting across from me.

"I suffer from Anxiety and Panic attacks. Meaning I get anxious really easily and it's not the good kind. And with my attacks I can't be overwhelmed too much or in big crowds and in elevators for too long" I say in one breath.

"I wish I knew. When I texted you, you should have told me." He says hugging me. I nod and cry into his shoulder. "Hey. Wanna know something. I can't be in elevators too long. I am claustrophobic" He says. I look up and smile. 'Thank god they don't hate me'

"We would never hate you for anything like that" Zach says. I smile.

"I think I'll go to your concert" I say smiling.

He beams with excitement "really?!" He says.

I nod and he hugs me so tight.

"Okay Zach yeah if you hug me to much there isn't gonna enough of me left to go" I say laughing.

After a couple minutes we hear

"Aweeee" we look at the door and see our mom.

"Hi mom" we both say. She widens her eyes and says "I've been waiting years for you to call me that" she says hugging me. "Me too"

Secret Herron // Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now