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Laura's POV

As people started piling in, I go over to the merch stand. "Hi I'm Stacy" the girls says. I smile

"Hi I'm Laura." She shakes my hand "okay, so what you are gonna do is get the orders" I nod and take a deep breath and I start "hi what Can I get you?" I ask the girl smiles "Herron Jersey" I smile and hand her it and she hands me the money "have a good time" I say

As I start doing the orders. The boys start singing. Girls start coming up more and more. Then one girl comes up and says "wow Zach was checking me out so much" I nod. Then she starts whispering to her friends about me and calling me "ugly" and "fat". I start to panic and I start backing up and the girls start crowding around yelling at me to take their money.

Stacy comes up and says "you okay" I don't say anything and I start to fall and Stacy catches me and lays me down. Girls start screaming and people start to move further, while Stacy moves them. She tries to calm me but it doesn't work. I then hear the music stop and someone's mic drops. "Move!" Someone yells. I know that voice from anywhere. Zach.

He pushes through the girls and runs to me and falls to the floor. He picks me up and lays me on his lap. And starts rocking me "come on please" He says with tears going down his face. He starts to sing to me and I recognize the song but I can't put a name to it. He hugs me and I feel him crying into my neck.
Zach's POV

As we were singing, I keep on looking over at the merch stand to make sure Laura is okay. As we were singing, I took my eyes off of Laura for a couple minutes. All 5 of us hear screams. We stop and look around, I see Laura fall. I drop my mic and dive off the stage and sprint to where she is.

I get there and run towards her and I lay her on my lap. I start singing my mom lullaby while crying.

(In love with Daily Bumps)

She starts crying with me and hugs me. "I'm sorry" she says. I shake my head "it's not your fault." I pick her up and bring her backstage and she falls asleep, while I walk backstage. The guys run back stage to check up on her "what happened?" They ask. I lay her on the couch and I wipe my face. "She had a panic attack" I say they nod and our manager comes out "boys go back on" he says. I shake my head "I can't I have to stay with her" he sighs. "It's not like she is your sister" he says. The guys eyes go wide "She is my little sister". Then I feel someone grab my hand "go Zach. " Laura says. I nod and run out to finish the concert, always checking up on Laura though.

I don't wanna lose her again.

Secret Herron // Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now