Chapter 28

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I was so groggy and every time I opened my eyes it was all blurry. The pain isn't as bad as I was expecting it to be. I finally got my eyes opened and see a bright room. With my free hand I rubbed my eyes and the fog disappeared. I see Faith asleep and Sam in the next bed asleep too. I looked around more and see Blake at a table coloring with my mom. I must have groaned because their heads looked my way. "daddy you're awake!" He said coming over. "Now remember Blake he just had a major surgery. So you need to be easy on him" "I made you this." He said handing me a picture of a man with a guitar. "thanks buddy!" I say softly. "mommy and Sam are still sleeping." My mom said. "how long have we been back?" "About an hour maybe two." She said. "I am speechless Tim." "I couldn't let him die. When the nurse said that he could be saved I had too. He wasn't going to die when I was just getting to know him." I said. "how's Faith?" "Good. Finally was allowed to sleep. Let me get the doctor for you." She said. "if you don't have to sleep again can I lay with you on your good side?" Blake asked. He has been through so much the last 24 hours. "of course buddy." My doctor came and checked me out. "how much pain are you in?" He asked. "not a lot. Is it okay if my son lays with me on my good side? He has been through a lot." "Of course. Let me help him." He said picking Blake up and laying him in the bed. "how much longer should my other son be asleep?" I ask. "not sure. We gave him some heavy pain medicine to help." I nodded and he left. That's when Faith woke up. She saw me then immediately found Sam. "You're both okay." she says crying. "Nothing is going to stop me anytime soon." i said smiling. "Has he been up yet?" she asked pointing to Sam. "No. The doctor gave him some pretty heavy stuff to ease the pain." i said. Faith pressed her nurse button and a lady came in. "Everything okay?" she asked her. "Yes. I want to get up if possible." Faith said. "The doctor wants you off the leg today but tomorrow he is going to have the physical therapist come and talk to you." the nurse said. "Okay." the nurse left and Faith looked at me. "I don't think i will ever be able to repay you for what you did." she said choking up. "He's my son. I couldn't lose him already." i said. "I wish i could kiss you right now." she said. Then she noticed Blake. "What is he doing in your bed?" she asked. "He is laying with me. I mean he has been through a lot." "Yeah. Hey baby." she says. "Mommy! You are awake! Daddy and Sammi are back too!" he said excitedly. Sam starts groaning and his eyes begin to flutter. He keeps blinking as he wakes up. 

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