jealousy and a misunderstanding

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I immediately groan at the sound of my alarm clock wanting to cry. "Noo, I don't wanna get up I hate school" After spending two minutes deciding if it was worth being yelled at by my mother if I was late again.

I finally left the bathroom fresh and dressed for school before heading downstairs.

I finally left the bathroom fresh and dressed for school before heading downstairs

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(the style since this IS in the 2000's)

"Alright Mom I'm walking to the bus stop now love you and I'll see you after school," I yelled walking through the door with my bag and going to go meet up with Jonathan.

"See you sweetie and love you too!" She shouted back

"Hey blonde," I said smiling jumping next to him and joining him in waiting on the school bus.

"Hey y/n," he waves before turning to me and with his sentence "actually I was wondering if I could....- he was saying before he got cut off by another voice trying to get my attention.

"hey, y/n can I talk to you" a classmate walking up to Jonathan and me.

"Maybe later Jon was talking..."- but I got cut off by him 

"But it's important it was what you wanted me to find out for you and I did" he then turns to me making me remember what I had asked of him.

"I- oh! We will talk when I see you on classroom break at school okay? The bus is coming" I said pointing to the bus

Jonathan was tuning back in at the end of the conversation while the bus started to pull up to the stop sign making him hear the last part of the conversation.

"-like him don't you?"

"yeah I do like him," I said before walking onto the bus and sitting down across from Jonathan. "but the question that I would love an answer to is does he like me back?" not paying attention that Jonathan might hear our conversation.

"Well from what people told me I would say yes"

 Jonathan's POV

Just the moment I was going to confess I got interrupted by Luke, so not only did she not like me but the person she likes just HAD to be him

The expression on my face looked like I was the puppy that was kicked. As the bus stopped at the school I stood up from my seat and turned to y/n nibbling on my bottom lip before getting the courage to say a few words and then heading off the bus "Hey y/n I'll talk to you later,"

But the faster the minutes passed the more I knew I wasn't going to get an answer from her so I walked away looking down as I walked off the bus feeling my heart hurt from her not even paying attention to me. 

She didn't even hear me

Y/n's POV
Me and Luke walk into the classroom and into our seats talking about him asking his crush out.

"yeah, but I like him should I talk to Ross?" Luke said looking over at me in hopefulness

"yes you should you have been talking about him asking you out forever," I said teasing him then laughing at his face turning red as Ross walked into the classroom.

The bell rang and I walked into the cafeteria trying to find a table to eat my lunch my mom made.

"hey, y/n can I talk to you about something?"Jonathan said coming up to me

"Sure what is...- I started answering but Luke excitedly telling me his news cut me off

"I talk to you know who," Luke popped up out of nowhere announcing his news interrupting me and Jonathan's conversation once again.

I turned to him just that quickly forgetting Jonathan was trying to talk to me "No way what did he say? Are you guys dating? what happened? tell me the details now!"

"I got to talk to u y/n...-" Jonathan tried to get my attention back but failed by getting cut off by me this time only at this moment he was starting to feel overwhelmed and hurt because it seemed like nothing was going his way today.

"Can you hold it for like 2 minutes?" I said looking at him hoping what Luke was saying wouldn't take long and I could hear what they both had to say but it didn't seem like that is what tipped Jonathan over the edge this time not him being heard.

"no! I can't wait I'm trying to confess to you about my feelings for you but every single time I try today Luke interrupts me and now you are cutting me off which is hurting my feelings because you aren't trying to listen to me at all." his blue eyes starting to well up in tears showing how hurt he is feeling and his appleadam moving up and down from him swallowing.

The feeling in my stomach I got seeing how hurt he was wasn't good and I knew then and there I wasn't listening to him like I should've. I turned my body to face Jonathan not taking my eyes off him "Luke I will talk to you later," I watched as Luke walked off with an understanding nod leaving us alone at the lunch table. 

"I am so sorry for not only listening but brushing you off like that wasn't very nice of me to do and for that, I am sorry Jonathan" I watch his face for a reaction.

He looked down at the table trying not to bite his nails before speaking in a low tune "It just feels like you don't seem to care about what I was trying to say today and that hurt especially my feelings being I built up the courage to confess to you how I felt about you today" 

I nod listening to what he is saying not interrupting until I know he is finished  "I do care even though it seems like I didn't because of Luke but I did I promise"

He shakes his head in denial not believing me "No, you don't after Luke came around at the bus stop you put your focus straight onto him and I heard you say you like him which I assume you mean Luke"

I shake my head in denial this time "No, I didn't you heard wrong...-" but this time he was the one that cut me off.

"I did?" he said in a questioning tone stopping playing with his hands and slowly looking up at me.

"Luke isn't one I am interested's you who I like"

"then what were you guys talking about?"

"We were talking about him asking out his crush" I smile 

"W...-would you like to be my girlfriend?" he said nervously as his eyes widened in hope as they stared into mine.

My smile widens as I speak "Of course, I would like to be your girlfriend blonde"

1152 words

If you are still on here I rewritten this because It DEFINITELY needed it @nermal123

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