Hanahaki disease

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(Y/n is not good at making friends and has trouble doing that, so Lucas is her only friend at the moment)

It was a one-sided love that seemed that it could have been healed but in the end, could it be saved before it was too late? 

Lucas and y/n have been the best of friends since they were kids but as they got older the closer their bond grew so it seems.... or was it as strong as it appeared?

I looked up from my shoes breathing in the cleaning products that told me the janitor was just getting started cleaning. I make eye contact with my best friend Lucas! I shouted his name happily excited I caught him before he started walking home. I walked up to him and asked him "Hey! Are we still up for the sleepover at your house this weekend?" 

"y-yeah I....umm sure! I will be there!" I noticed he stuttered but I didn't give it much thought, since I was too excited for our traditional sleepover. "good! I have something I need to tell you!" I smiled softly at Lucas and his friend before walking out of the school to catch the bus.

Lucas's friend whose name was Shawn looked at Lucas silently in disappointment before continuing saying "You didn't tell her did you?" 

Lucas in return shook his head side to side in silent response before speaking feeling Shawn look at him in disappointment "I know I should have told her but I- it should be fine she probably wouldn't mind I mean IT IS just one sleepover" he smiled slightly also feeling disappointed in himself.

But one sleepover seemed to make her let down more and more.

Shawn shook his head furrowing his eyebrows looking at Lucas hearing what he just said making him even more upset at Lucas's actions, before going on saying in a caring soft tone "If she is so fine with it like you claimed why didn't you tell her then? She is going to be hurt not only did you lie but you also didn't have enough courage to tell her the truth to her face. What did was a low blow and just imagine all the things she usually proper for you guys just sitting there cold and her sad crying?" Shawn started exiting the school building with Lucas and down the stairs onto the sidewalk.

"you said I should say yes and I did!" Lucas looks at Shawn raising his eyebrows not understanding what Shawn is saying and feeling like Shawn isn't taking his side.

Shawn continued with "BUT I also said ONLY if she is okay with it and know you can't make it this weekend, but you didn't listen to that part. You only heard me tell YOU to say yes anything else I said? you didn't pay attention to." Shawn shook his head in distress "Listen, I got to go tell me what happens on Monday dude." he went down a different path leading to his house. 

Lucas started talking to himself "She should be fine it's only one sleepover I'm going to miss no biggie" he shrugged walking into the building of his house, getting prepared for a date that may strain his friendship with y/n for good.

A couple of hours later there stood y/n waiting at Lucas's door knocking and starting to smile with it opened but y/n's smile started to drop not liking the feeling she was getting in her gut and the look on Mary's face confirming that feeling. 

 Mary smiled seeing y/n at her door, before greeting the girl "It's so good to see you are you here to see Lucas for your guy's sleepover?" Mary already knew the answer but for some reason, she needed to hear it to confirm her theory.  

"Hi, Mrs. Brandis yes I am looking for Lucas may I come in?" I asked the older woman

"you are always welcome, come in come in!" Mary opened the door wider open for the younger girl.

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