Colliding Paths I

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Alice's Point of View:

The period before lunch was the same as every other day. The only difference was my friend Ruby was going on about how Valentine's Day was just another excuse to be pressured into a relationship that has no meaning. Even so, she got 7 candy grams. Shows just how strangely life plays out.

The bell rings for lunch, but as I pack up my things, my last pen fell to the floor and the school jerk, Giuseppe, picked it up.

"Hey, babe.", he remarked, standing straight. !Oh, great. All I thought about was how this inconvenience would delay my allotted time to eat.

"So Alice, remember a few days ago, the question I asked? You know, the rare chance to date the best of the best?", Giuseppe grinned.

"Oh and who would that be?" I ask as I absentmindedly retrieve my pen from his grasp. I usually try harder not to be so passive-aaggressive, but this guy really tickles my temper.

I've had 6 classes with him this year. His behaviour towards adults is saintly, though just an act, and towards girls, the best way to describe him is 'womanizer'. Giuseppe is a cheeky boy who monopolizes on the feelings of girls to fulfill his ego and frankly, I have no patience for him.

"Me, obviously." Arrogantly put by Giuseppe. He grabs my hand and plays with my fingers. Looking down, he says, "I like you, more than a lot of chicks I've dated... Do you want to go out?"

The other stragglers now stop to look in our direction, just looking for a new bit of gossip to share with their buddies at lunch.

Inside my head, I say no, but the words couldn't come out fast enough. Suddenly, I hear a bang as the door slams open. I thought I saw a familiar boy in the doorway, but the only thing I was sure of was what he was holding.

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