Colliding Paths III

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Alec's Point of View:

Finally, second period is over. There is so much homework assigned, I'm drowning in it. Even so, I can't think about anything other than asking Alice out. Alice and I will be so happy together. I rush to my locker and grab my bag from the hook inside.

Having doubts, my friend? Do you really think she'll say yes? Come on, who are we kidding here? SHUT UP! She will agree... she has to. And if she doesn't? Do you think I'll let you forget? Everyday, every time you see her, I'll be here, reminding you. You and me, we are going to get to know each other very well... NO! GO AWAY! WHY DO YOU KEEP BOTHERING ME? Why? I simply find it amusing... So spill it, what are you going to do if, no WHEN she says no? *SLAM* "I hope it's not what we planned this morning." I say out loud. Nobody notices...

Walking down the hall, I see children spill out of Alice's classroom. I don't see her walk out, so I decide to peek inside.Before I can get in, the door closes in my face. Reaching for the door handle, I stop. I see her in the corner, her back towards me. To my horror, Giuseppe was the one speaking to her.

Oh no, he's going to ask her out! What are you going to do about it, loser? I... I can't, I refuse to. Well, you're about to lose your girl, and you are not going to hear the end of this. At least not from me. There's nothing I can do... Is there? Well, there is always "Plan B." We didn't prepare our little buddy this morning for nothing, right? Act quickly. But, I... Faster! It's wrong... Hurry up! He just asked!

I reached my breaking point, and threw the door open. The sound made everyone turn to me. Pairs upon pairs of eyes of every colour stared at me, then slipped down to look at the cold metal killer in my hands.

Giuseppe was my target; he fell with no sound. Alice's back was no longer towards me. Her amber eyes peered into mine, yet I saw no recognition in her face. In that moment I knew we were not meant to be together. I realized that my obsession with her was not out of love, but rather a distraction from my own mind. The voice in my head always points out my weaknesses and insecurities, so I wanted to prove that I am capable of much more than just cowering in a corner of my head. Alice is the opposite of me, which is why I admired her. I guess this means I win... NO! If I can't have peace, then no one can. The first scream snapped me out of my epiphany. I spun around to quickly silence it.

First one, then another fell, like pins in a bowling alley. 🎶Dun, dun, dun. Another one bites the dust...🎶I have given up trying to quiet the voice. Soon the whole room is still. The last one standing is Alice. Finish the job, fool! I can't bring myself to do it. Then, I feel my finger pull the trigger involuntarily. Alice falls in what feels like slow motion. of course, that is when I realize what I have done. Well this was fun... now you're screwed... How are you going to live with yourself now?


"I can't."




Spite is that which encourages bad decisions. In memory of all the school shootings that were performed out of spite.

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