I Like You... *BANG*

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This story begins like many others. Alice Simmons wakes up, gets dressed and gets on the bus to school. Typical day for her. On the bus, she worries about the small things like "Is there a test today?" "Should I have ironed my pants?" "Is that dog reading my mind?". Silly, stupid things. The day is February 14th, Valentines Day, but don't misunderstand. Alice completely forgot the holiday. Therefore, this story is not about love, no. It is centered around another, equally irrational emotion. Spite. And it is this spite that will lead to the deaths of many people.


*beep beep beep beeep* "SHUT THE @%&$ UP!" What the hell, seriously? I think to myself when it refuses to shut off. I need a new alarm clock, dammit. I swing myself out of bed and start my boring routine. Just as a walk over to my closet and start getting dressed, my mom shouts at me to get my derrière out of bed. "I'm ALREADY UP, dammit!" I'm in a very bad mood today. I stub my toe as I walk down the stairs and turn the corner into my bathroom. I can feel the frustration adding up. My mother is hogging our tiny bathroom by putting on her makeup over our little sink. I ask her to move, but even with her cooperation, I still barely have room to shimmy by to the cabinet on the other side of the room. Pony or pigtails today? I look but I can only find one hair tie. I guess it's a ponytail... I grabbed a juicy plum from the fridge and headed out the door, grabbing my backpack off a near by chair. I decide to eat cafeteria food today. It's a 5 minute walk from my house to the nearest street corner. I love to play some tunes on the walk there, usually some classic rock. If I had a dollar for everyone who asked me if my favourite band was Queen, I'd be rich and surrounded by fools. I wait for my bus as patiently as a I can in the bitter cold that is a February morning. I watch it roll up up to my stop, those red caution lights flashing, blinding contrast to the grey/white surroundings. I nod my head towards my bus driver as he opens the door to let me on. "Good morning, Alice." "Morning, Craig." I say. Since I'm the third stop, the only other kids on the bus is an older boy that sits in the back, and one about my age that sits in the middle, I think his name is Alec. I take the third seat from the front, and so begins the 30 minute bus ride to school.

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