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Giuseppe's Point of View:

Alice was a real cutie. She had a cool, I don't give a shit attitude. I've been trying to fit her in between the other girls I've been wheeling. The weird part is she always denies my flirtations! Who in their right mind can refuse me, the awesome Giuseppe Vargas?

A few days ago, she told me that the only way she would ever date a "lout" like me would be if I grew a pair and started acting like a gentleman. At first, I didn't know what that meant, but I asked some of the guys and they figure she meant stop wheeling every hot girl in school. I really like Alice. To be honest, I like her more than any girl that I've dated so far. I dropped about 6 girls from my wheel list.

Today, I'm going to ask her out. I'll catch her before she goes to lunch. She has to say yes, I dropped some of my favourite girls for her! Alice is as good as mine; I just have to make it through my morning classes first.

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