Some Call it Creeping

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Alec's Point of View:

I watch her get on and quickly scan the length of the bus. Those beautiful amber eyes are shining despite the early morning. Today, as usual, she sits in the third seat from the front. Again, she quietly sits down and settles in her mysterious perfection. Again, she didn't notice me.

The bus starts back up again and I relish the fact that I still have half an hour to watch her. As we go over some bumps in the road, her hair bounces lightly on her back. You can reach out and touch it, you know. She's only an armslength away... NO! I will NOT! I mean, that's kinda weird and I don't want to scare her. Fine, whatever. Maybe not this time, but eventually... Ughh, go away! Yea, yea...

I have these conversations alot now. I stopped taking my pills about 10 days ago. I thought it would be fine, because I hadn't heard the voice for awhile, but then HE came back. At first, I would only hear him at night, but eventually, he started talking during the day. Now, he gets especially talkative when I think about Alice. I've liked her for a while now. To me, she's perfection. I don't see why she doesn't notice me, I mean, I'm polite, you lend her things, I HOLD DOORS OPEN FOR HER, ... urghm. I know I'm not the only guy that likes her, but I definetely care the most.

Today, on the holiday devoted to love and relationships, I'm going to ask her out. I am determined to confess my devotion to her, before Guiseppe does. I am prepared to stake everything for her returned affections, even if it kills me. And our little friend in your backpack will make sure of that, won't it...

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