Text messages

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Millie's pov

I heard a loud knock on my door which caused me to wake up.

"Millie wake up breakfast is ready." I heard Charlie yell from outside of my door.

I groaned, not wanting to wake up since I had stayed up late last night watching movies.

I sat up on my queen sized bed and reached over to my night table to pick up my phone. I always checked my notifications in the morning before I did anything else.

Message from Finnlard

Hey Mills, I hope you slept well. I know how much you enjoy sleeping saying that it's all you do. I am out with the boys right now, but I was thinking that maybe we could hang out later yeah?;) I hope your day is as wonderful as you are baby. I love you so much<3

Butterflies flourished through my body as I read the heartfelt message that Finn had sent me. I was so beyond grateful to have such a wonderful human in my life. After I finished reading the message over and over for what seemed like 20 times, I finally replied.

Hey Finnie. Love and miss you so much<3 maybe we can catch a movie later on xxx

I set my phone down and descended the stairs to get breakfast.


Cute little imagine

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