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Millie's pov

"Millie, wake up. We gotta go." I faintly heard. I felt my body being shaken lightly. "Just 5 more minutes." I whined into the pillow. "Come on babe, we have to meet everyone at Sadie's house." Finn said as he swiftly picked me up off the bed.

I wrapped my arms around his neck preventing him from putting me down. "Mills you can sleep on the car ride there ok? But now we have to get ready." He said. I finally gave in and stood on my feet. I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and grab supplies for the long road trip ahead.

Caleb and Noah suggested we go to New York since they are both from there and it is such a beautiful state. The drive from Georgia to New York was about 13 hours and I was not looking forward to it. I really wanted to fly there but everyone else thought that a road trip would be fun.

As I was brushing my hair, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "So beautiful." Finn whispered in my ear. I felt butterflies in my stomach. As long as we have been together, he always made me feel that way; He makes me feel special.

"I love you." He said. "I love you more." I said as I turned around to peck his lips. I started to pull away, but he pulled me closer deepening the kiss. I pulled away slowly, instantly missing the warmth of his lips on mine. "Don't we have to be somewhere?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

I walked back in the room to finish packing my things. I grabbed my clothes, my makeup bag, my tooth brush and my hair brush. "You almost ready babe?" Finn shouted from down stairs.

"Yea coming now." I spoke scrambling to put my bag on my shoulder. I grabbed my phone and my charger and headed down stairs.

"Ladies first." Finn said as he opened the door for me. "Thank you kind sir." I said in my best American accent. Finn chuckled at my attempt.

The drive to Sadie's house was short and we were there in a matter of minutes. I saw cars parked outside and I assumed it was Noah and Gaten.

Sadie's mom owned a mini van, so we decided we would use that instead of renting a car. Finn and I exited the car gathering all of our bags so that we could put them in the trunk of the mini van later.

I knocked on the door to reveal and ecstatic Sadie. "What has you so happy today." I said to her.

"I have never been to New York and I am so excited!" She exclaimed. She moved out the way so that Finn and I could enter the house.

"Finnlard, Mills!" Gaten said

"Finn! Millster!" Caleb spoke

"My best friends!" Noah exclaimed

I giggled at how excited my friends were to see Finn and I. Finn grabbed my bags and put them in the corner along with his, where everyone else had put theirs earlier.

"Ok guys so we will all take turns driving. Each of us will drive about 2 hours. Who's up first?" Gaten spoke.

"I'll go." Finn said as he raised his hand volunteering.

"Ok Finnlard, let's get this show on the road!" Caleb said patting Finn on the shoulder with sympathy knowing that the drive would be tiring.


I have to admit, I was really enjoying the car ride. We were all singing our hearts out listening to our favorite songs. The windows were down, giving us a nice breeze of warm air.

Every now and then, we stopped at a gas station to get out, stretch and get snacks for the journey ahead.

I was seated next to Sadie all the way in the back looking out the window at the beautiful trees, Sadie lying her head on my shoulder.

Caleb was driving, Finn was in the passenger seat beside him knocked out.

As for Noah and Gaten, they had been knocked out for a good few hours now since Sadie drove right before Caleb. I was up next and I was the last one to drive. I was really excited because that meant I would be driving through New York.


I was humming to a song that was playing on the radio with my hand on the steering wheel when I heard something in the seat next to me. Finn had woken up and was stretching his arms out from sleeping for about 4 hours.

"Hey sleepy head." I spoke to the curly haired boy whose hair was a wild mess. He smiled at me still in a tired state. "Where are we?" He asked.

"About 10 miles from Scarsdale." I said. That was Noah's hometown. We were all going to stay at his house since his basement is huge, having 3 bedrooms, 2 couches and some nice flat screens. The upstairs of his house was even bigger.

"Ugh I'm so tired." Finn groaned."

"What? Finn you've been asleep for most of the car ride! If anything, I'm the tired one." I said laughing at what he said.

"WAKE UP GUYS!" I said causing everyone in the back seats to wake up except for Gaten; he's a heavy sleeper. "Gaten I got pudding!" Finn said loudly.

Gaten startled awake. "Pudding?"

Everyone bursted out laughing; oh Gaten. We all got our bags out of the trunk of the mini van and walked up to Noah's front porch.

His house was beautiful. The first thing you saw when you looked at it was a big window show casing the elegant diamond looking chandelier hanging in the open foyer. Not to mention, there was a 4 car garage, a pool and a hot tub.

These next few days were going to be fun.

We all entered his beautiful house instantly taking in our surroundings. There was a huge staircase and a large piano in the room next to the door. "Welcome, ladies and gents to my humble abode." He shot his hands out and led us to the kitchen to greet his family.

We all talked to his parents and his twin sister Chloe for about 15 minutes and then headed to the basement where we would be staying.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." Gaten announced to us. Everyone mumbling 'ok' and 'alright'.

Caleb and Sadie had their own room, Gaten had his own room and Finn and I had ours. Noah would sleep in his childhood bedroom when it was time.

The rest of the night was pretty uneventful as everyone was tired and worn out from the long drive. Gaten, as predicted was already in his room asleep and Noah was upstairs showering.

"Well guys we're gonna head to sleep." Caleb spoke for both him and Sadie. They both stood up and headed to their shared room.

"Goodnight." Finn and I both mumbled tiredly.

I felt my eyes getting super heavy and my head fell back softly onto the couch. Finn noticed my actions and giggled. "Let's get you to sleep, sleepyhead." He said as he picked me up bridal style and carried me to our room.

He laid me down on the bed and I got under the covers. Before he laid down with me, he shed himself of his white T-shirt as he was most comfortable sleeping shirtless, something he often did.

As he got under the covers with me, our eyes met. We stared at each other for a good minute until he broke the silence. "I'm happy to be here with you." He slightly whispered, snaking his arm around my waist.

"Me too." I spoke tiredly.

He could tell I was too exhausted to hold a conversation, so he pulled me closer, planting a kiss on my forehead. "I love you." He mumbled quietly not thinking I heard it, but I did.

"I love you more." I whispered cuddling closer to his warmth. This was a perfect way to end the first night of our road trip.

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