Chapter 32 - Not A Happy Car

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Over the weeks since his last skeet with a group of strange men that beat him up, Justin was on a man-hunt, literally. Pounding the streets with his tied up sneaks, he questioned random families out of sheer delirium and when they didn't answer one certain question for him ("WHERE'S SELENA?"), he threatened to hurt them or WORSE. Over and over he hounded random families and strangers, just grabbing them and pinning them up against walls if he had to. He was losing it. After he interrogated the 115th stranger for the 100th time, the stranger finally shook him and she managed to loosen his grip and make him fall to the floor. She then screams for police close by in the area. "Watch it, Lady!" Justin screamed but as soon as he saw the police noticing the lady he attacked screaming for help, "Oh shit!", he said and picked himself up and just started running. Faster and faster he ran, shoving numerous civilians out of his path, not caring who he hurt or how bad he hurt them as long as he got away. Cops on his trail, this was not his day....

At another location, Selena and Louie had done some grocery shopping for the family. They had just left the mini-mart when... "Zayn is great, isn't he?" says Selena. "Super awesome. Say, how about we do soft tacos tonight?" asks Louie. "Deal, buddy!" says Selena and after they do their secret buddy handshake, she and Louie get into his car when all of a sudden...

"Get Out Of The Car!". Selena and Louie perked up in their seats alert by the sound of the loud voice yelling but from where? Selena squinted her eyes tightly to see a faint figure in the background and sees to her horror that it was JUSTIN yelling at them. Seeing him, automatically she started to panic. "Louie!", she screamed. "What? What is it?", asks Louie as he checks his rear view of the car and sees Justin standing behind them. Justin just stood there, with his usual baggy pants and largesneakers, his blood-shot brown eyes and messy blond hair...looking like a madman. "Who IS that?" asks Louie quizically. He'd never seen a stranger looking so messed up.

"Louie, it's my ex!!", the panicked Selena quipped in her seat. "That's Justin!?", says Louie and as he said that, JUSTIN ROARED AT THEM FROM THE OUTSIDE and they watched from their rearview mirror. "Oh My God, we've got to get out of here--BAM! OH MY GOD!" Louie's speech was cut short when he and Selena realized to their horror that Justin had ran his way to the front of the car and slam his fists on the front of it, blocking their way of escape. He also managed to climb his way up the front of the car and just scream and shout at them through the front window, glaring at them through clenched teeth and blood-shot eyes. Louie was panicked and Selena didn't know what to do other than just try to stay calm in her seat and try to protect Louie. "GET OUT OF THE CAR!", Justin screamed the first time, and then he jumped onto the hood on their car, scratching the glass of the front window shield with his fingernails. "Louie, don't get out of the car!", the panicked Selena says to him. "GET OUT OF THE CAR!" "Whatever you do, don't get out of the car!" again Selena pleaded as Louie was just in the chaos, staring up at the glass protecting them both from Justin. "Louie! Come on, baby! Let's talk about this !" Justin changed his tone from threatening to pleading to try and throw off Louie and Selena but Selena knew better than to trust him and risk getting out of the car.

"Louie! Trust me, you do NOT wanna get out of the car and talk to him, it is a DEATH SENTENCE!", Selena warned him. "LET ME IN!!" Justin screamed, this time, pounding on the glass with his fists. "Whoa!" "Oh Shit!" Louie and Selena screamed at Justin began pounding on the window with his fists. Louie unfreezes. Somehow, Justin's threats and literal 'scratching at the surface' just made him wanna be a badass. "Fuck this! We're getting out of here!", says Louie and he managed to quickly pull his car safely into reverse, sending Justin flying off the front crashing. As Justin's body stumbled around on the floor, Louie and Selena managed to pull out of the mini-mart gas station drive-in and get away safely at sharp speed, leaving Justin in the dust. "YOU GET BACK HERE!"

Pulling out into traffic so they could camouflage with the rest of the cars all heavily packed together, Selena and Louie catch their breaths after narrowly escaping their traumatic ordeal. "Whew! That was close!", says Louie, looking back with fear. "Tell me about it! Are you alright?", asks Selena checking up on her friend's health. "I'm fine. Thanks. Hey, did you see that?" asks Louie. "Yes I did...", says Selena, squinting and blinking her eyes hard.

The shrill memory of her ex threatening to abuse her. "What was that?!", asks Louie freaking out over the bewildered Bieber. Only Selena could say: "Someone I knew from my past...." 

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