Chapter 33 - Something Watching Over Me

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Back at the apartment, Zayn was fixing things in his home when suddenly his ears perked up at the sharp sound outside. Looking up, he sees a black pick-up truck pulling up into the drive-way and seeing how so sharply and quick the car pulled up onto his driveway, just made Zayn realize that something was wrong. Then Louie and Selena exit the vehicle with Louie begging, asking him "Zayn, close the door, close the door!" "Okay!", says Zayn and he immediately closes the garage door. As it closed, Louie and Selena lock the pick-up truck after exiting it and then immediately run to Zayn. "Hurry, hurry!", alerts Louie. Zayn sees that Louie and Selena are obviously in distress and asks them what's wrong. Their answers were scary. 

"Zayn, it's him! He's here!", says Louie hyperventilating. Zayn had to calm him down a bit so he could get a clearer understanding. "Slow down, buddy, who's here?", asks Zayn looking for the identity of the attacker but Louie and Selena already knew. "Justin!....It's Justin! He's back! He's back...." says Selena trying not to curl up in tears. He just haunted her, her ex did. Not being able to take anymore of this, Zayn just grabs Louie and Selena and gives them all each a big hug, hoping to ease them of whatever stress, anxiety or trauma was consuming them. Poor Zayn. Seeing the people he loved being hunted down was heartbreaking but he wasn't going to let that happen again. "Zayn, he's back and he's not going to stop! He's hunting her down,  he's hunting us all down, he's never going to stop!", says Louie. "All right, I'll see what I can do" says Zayn. Zayn had a plan. He wasn't sure what he was going to do but he was willing to TRY. Zayn looks around outside, holding his friends close to him. Seeing if any possible dangers were lurking around any corners. After seeing no signs, he carefully leads both Louie and Selena back to his house where he could shelter them all safely. Unbeknownst to them, a strange lurker was watching carefully, hidden from the bushes....

Zayn spent the time asking for security. Anything to keep his house and the people he loved protected at all times (for whenever he had work). Right now, his most serious matter was Louie, his bestie and Selena, his true love. They needed him and he was there to protect them. Sure, he wasn't there for the 'car incident' but he was willing to put himself in real danger just to protect his friends, his family, the people he loved. Zayn had a bodyguard keep keep watch of the house from the outside for ongoing predators while he stayed by Louie and Selena's side consoling them of their panic. As much as he loves music, he also loved his family. They need him. "I'm here, guys. I'm here." Zayn had Louie to crash at his place and all night he kept watch over them, willing to stay up all night & lose sleep just so his friend and his love would sleep peacefully. That is until the bodyguard relieved him of his duty: "Zayn, you should get some sleep. I got this." After that discharge, Zayn returned to his room and cuddled up next to Selena who was sleeping peacefully. Keeping close to her, holding her in his arms. "I'm here. I'm not going anywhere".

Back on the streets, a strange man was huddling down on the streets, stepping away from the bushes when suddenly he is ambushed by... "Where is she!? Where IS SHE!?" he screamed. Again with the questions. "Hey, man! Calm down!", screamed the hooded figure hiding with a camera. Justin just grabbed the guy by the neck and just screaming.

"Don't TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!". Then he pulls out a cellphone and decides to do some real damage....

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