Hey Darlin'

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"Put her back up. Don't want her trying anything." Oliver said to the bitten arm man right before he grabbed my arm and jerked me back to the room they had been keeping me in the room that they were keeping me in.

"I got it. I can walk" I told them harshly as I stood up walking back to the room.

"Did you enjoy your talk with your boy Las?" Oliver asked me and I gave him a shrug.

"Doesn't matter I'll be dead soon and so will Jax." I told him and he chuckled.

"You are a smart girl aren't you?"

"Too smart for my own good." I told him walking into my room and backing into the pole. Bitten arm guy grabbed the hand cuffs and put them around my wrists. My attempt to break free earlier was a bust. I ended up cutting myself loose. I waited for one of them to come back into the room so I could plan my attack. I made the mistake of not stabbing in the throat but instead I sliced his face. He called out the other guy, Finn, who had time to grab his gun. Then I had a gun pointed at my head forcing me to stitch him back up. He also held me at gunpoint while they tied back up. Lucky for me they hadn't killed me yet. They hadn't done their research on me though. They had no idea that I was going to fight as hard as I was. They had to make a call and get more guards that were four times my body weight guarding me. There was no way that I could escape now. But that didn't mean that I wasn't going to try again. Had it really only been a day since I had been taken. Felt like a week. Maybe because I hadn't had time to actually sleep. I was just falling in and out of consciousness. I was too focused on getting out, some way or another. Sitting up straight I felt the soreness throughout my whole body.

"Ow...Shit." I said. Everything hurt more than anything.I had so many new injuries I had a cracked rib for sure. Definitely a concussion. Cuts upon bruises and more cuts. I was scared to see my face. With how many blows I took to my right cheek I'm surprised that my cheek bone wasn't broken. In all reality if Galen jr. wasn't protected by those assholes, I could have taken him. See how he likes getting hit to the face repeatedly. Oh the things I would do just to get my hands on that man.

"Now be a good girl, Las, and stay in here." Liam told me. If I wasn't so badly beaten I would've flung myself at him.

"Yeah right." I told him leaning my head back against the pool I heard his laugh before he closed it behind him. The second time I broke out I used a couple of bobby pins to pick the lock on the door. Stupidly it didn't work, it only let them know that I wasn't chained up again. on my part because Also stupid on my part cutting the ropes now I was in handcuffs. I could get out of them. Just took more time and time was something that I was running out of. They wanted to meet Jax at a barn a little ways away from charming at ten o'clock tonight. Perfect place and time to kill someone. Hopefully Jax wasn't too caught up in finding me and understood my hint. If he did that meant I only had three and a half hours to get out of these cuffs and get ready for him to come get me out of here. Liam was the only one that had keys to my cuffs. I couldn't slow down my rescue by having Jax go get those. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath focusing on my hands and the cuffs.



"Wait, so who's this girl?" Opie asked me while I handed him a part to the motorcycle we were working on in the shop.

"The new girl. Her and her parents just moved here last week. I saw her in the hallway at school today. Op. Damn. You should have seen her." I told him, shaking my head. A grin on my face just thinking about it.

"She walked down the hallway as if she owned it. Everyone was asking her if she needed help finding her next class and all she said was 'I can handle it'." I went on.

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