Chapter 34

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Jimin notices a mysterious figure, following Jungkook, wearing a black hoodie. Jimin wrinkles his forehead and immediately gets up from his sitting form, marching over to the restroom, don't care about their table will be taken soon and walks over at the end of the corner of the hallway. Jimin sees the figure resting a hand on against the door, swaying their head left to right, seeing anyone see him being suspicious. Jimin squints his eyes, eyeing the mysterious figure if he knew this person. The person was about 5'10 tall, wearing a black hoodie over his head with a mouth mask on his face.


Jimin muttered, wrinkling his eyebrow, even more, making a small dip in the middle of his forehead. He decides to stop hiding at the end of the corner of the hallway and move his body towards the restroom. As he steps into the restroom white tile floor, he feels his hairs on his skin crawl ups, feeling a bit strange for some reason. There was no one at the moment when he fully steps inside of the restroom.

"Jungkook?" Jimin softly called out, walking between each of the multiple toilet stalls, pushing with his palm against the restroom's door one by one. He walked towards the storage room and saw the sign said 'employer only'. He ignores the sign and twists the doorknob, feeling it locked. He decides to walk past the storage room and continue looking for the younger, yet there was no sight of the younger's presence. Jimin begins to feel anxiety coming through as the pink-haired boy start running out of the restroom.

"Oh, there is Jimin!" Yoongi said as Hoseok turned his body around. A big smile appears on Hoseok's face, showing the little chef the cups of ice cream on his hand. Soon his smiles disappear when he sees no sights of his younger brother with the little chef.

"Jimin, where is Jungkook?" Hoseok asked, putting down the ice creams cups down on the table. Jimin feels tears beaming at the corner of his eyes, feeling guilty for losing Jungkook.

"I-I think I lost him. Someone must take him while he was in the restroom! I'm sorry, Hoseok-hyung for not watching over him!" Jimin cried out, letting out his tears sliding down on his pale cheeks. Yoongi puts down the ice cream cups on the table, walking towards his younger lover, wiping the tears from his cheeks with his sleeves.

"Don't cry, Jiminie," Yoongi told, rubbing the little's chef's back. Hoseok breathes out and pulls out of his phone from his pocket, tapping something on his screen.

"It's not your fault, Jiminie. We will found him." Hoseok said, pressing his phone against his ear.


Seokjin flutters his eyes opens, feeling emptiness beside him. He slowly sits up, and a small pout on his lips when he felt alone in the room. He rubs his sleepy eyes with his hand, looking around the room. He notices he's still in Hoseok's guest bedroom. He turns his head on the other side, seeing a small sticky note on the nightstand. The brunet stretches his arms, grabbing the sticky note, scanning through it.

Hyungie, Little Bun was craving for chocolate ice cream, so Yoonmin-hyungs and Hoseok's hyung will take me to an ice cream shop! No worries hyungie, I have already told Hoseok-hyung to buy you some! Don't worry about me!

Love Your Only Bunny Person,

Jeon Jungkookie~

Seokjin lets out small chuckles on his lips.

"I don't like sweet, though," Seokjin muttered, holding the piece of note up high, smiling to himself.

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