Chapter 44

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"So, you're telling me that I'm married to my half-brother? H-How--" Jungkook stopped himself from speaking since he couldn't believe what's going through his mind. Guka sighed, knowing that the younger boy would react like this. He grabs the hold on the corner of the photo frame and flats it on downward, showing the duo in the picture. Jungkook glanced at the picture.

"I know it's hard to believe that but---"

"And you allow my father to such a thing?"

Jungkook chose to interrupt the elder man, not caring about how disrespectful he is at this moment, snapping at the older man. Guka, on the other hand, understood why the younger is feeling this way.

"Jungkook, I know it's a total mess, but I need you to listen to me." Guka pointed out, grabbing the younger's hand, locking them with his own. All that Guka saw was tears flooding around the corner of the younger's doe eye. He knew that kind of look. Since he had the same looked when he found out when the child isn't his.

"N-No, I don't want to listen to it. I-I'm not ready." Jungkook protest, looking away from the elder's eyes, shaking his head a bit but the elder man is determined to tell the younger the unbelievable story between a love-triangle.

"Jungkook, I'm telling you this because I want you to know the truth and what the pain I went through is the same thing you did," Guka said.

"Your father was a best friend of mine that we grew up with each other. I, myself did not know that he has kept in touch with Mrs. Aki ever since they were dating in High School. "


"Hyung! I'm here! Let go before the movie will start without us." A young-looking, twenty-two years old, Aki Guka open the front main door, eyeing the place.

"Hello?! Anyone there?!" He shouted through the hallway while slipping out his black and white converse, putting them aside to the wall. All that he got as a response was silence.

"That was weird?" He said out loud. "He said that he was in his apartment, but he didn't bother coming downstairs when I called him?" He murmurs as he continues, walking upstairs. As his feet take him to the last step of the staircase, the dark hallway was a creep of sunlight, coming from the master bedroom.

"Did Hyung have company? Oh my, is he finally getting laid?!" He thought to himself, feeling excited for his friend. A small smirk, appearing on his lips as he strides over to the front of the master bedroom, peeking over the small crack from the door. His eyes widen when he sees his best friend with his wife.

"Jagi, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Guka heard his best friend spoke out to his wife while seating down on the edge of the bed. His wife who is facing her back from the door.

'Jagi?' Guka presses his eyelid together, quietly walking closer to the door.

"The baby, I'm carrying...he's yours, Jungsoo." His wife said, passing the DNA test paper to the man in front of her. Jungsoo gasps as his mouth stay open while glancing the DNA test paper on his one hand.

"So, you're saying that...this kid you're carrying doesn't belong to Guka. He belongs to me?" Jungsoo asked her to clarify her statement, and she nodded her head as an agreement.

"W-When the night before my wedding with Guka, I remember we didn't use the protection while we were making love." She said, as her tears kept sliding down on her cheeks and Jungsoo gently wipe them away with his thumb.

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