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You meet each other for the first time and your both new students

Scared, Anxious, nervous.

The three most common feelings on a school day.

Well not any normal school day, your first.

I have one more day before I start school and since I have moved to Derry, I have not made any new friends.

My favourite place to hang out is the library,

Not just for its books but for its Peacefulness.

I walk up to the library and sure enough no one is inside.

I nod at the librarian as I walk in and look around the book cases.

Before I know it I feel a pair of eyes on me.

I turn around and I hear footsteps walk away.

I walk back to the tables as I find a book, then I spot a boy.

He was sitting by himself, reading a history book.

I sit across from him, his eyes lift up to look at me and then straight back down at his book.

"I love history." I say trying to make conversation.

"Oh, me too." He says shyly.

"I'm Y/N." I say putting down my book.

"Ben." He says putting his down too.

"Are you into watching any history shows?" I ask.

"Not really, well actually I didn't in the past but my TV isn't set up Yet, you see I just moved here." Ben says.

"Me too! I moved here from Denver!" I say.

"That's really cool, so I guess we will both be the new kids." He says smiling.

"I guess we will be." I say.

"At least you don't have to be alone." I say.

"That's better than no one!" He laughs.

I laugh with him only to have the librarian shush us.

"So, do you like ice cream?" Ben asks.

"Love ice cream, especially Mint chocolate chip!" I say (if you don't like the flavour you can change it)

"Really? I like strawberry because it's always so fresh in your mouth." Ben says stacking the books on the shelf.

"How about we walk down to get some ice cream?" He asks.

"Sure, I've got time." I say as we both walk out of the library.

We walk down the streets of Derry and talk about our lives.

"So, you have any siblings?" He asks.

"I have a younger brother and older brother but that's it." I say.

"How about you?" I ask him.

"I have a sister but she's in college, and so is my brother." He says.

"Siblings can be a pain but you gotta love 'em." He says laughing.

"You got that right." I say Laughing too.

"Do you have a boyfriend? Because if you did he would be pretty lucky to.." he says rambling.

"I-I don't." I say blushing.

We come across the ice cream shop but outside we hear voices yelling.

"SHUT UP TRASHMOUTH!" A voice yells.

"Make me!" Another says.

Ben and I race around the corner to see my cousin Henry Bowers bullying these kids.

"HENRY!" I shout shoving him.

"Wha- Y/N??" He says.

"Henry what the hell are you doing?" I shout.

"Your new Y/N, you know noting about these dweebs." Henry says.

"Uncle Butch says he wants you." I say crossing my arms.

"Dad wants me? For what?" He asks.

"I don't know but he said If you didn't come he would beat your ass and-" I say.

"I'm going I'm going." He says taking off.

"Geez you got guts there." The boy with the glasses says.

"No biggy, He's my cousin he can't bully me." I say smirking.

"I'm Y/N." I say.

The tallest one steps up.

"I'm B-B-Bill." He says.

"Eddie, nice to meet you." A shorter boy says.

"Stan." A boy with curly noodle hair says. (I had too lmao)

"Richie, my young lady." The boy with the glasses bows.

"And who's this? Your boyfriend?" Richie asks gesturing to Ben.

"No... no.." Ben and I both say blushing.

"Well since you kind of saved our lives, well more Richie's. Did you want to hang out with us?" Stan asks.

"Sure." Ben and I both say.

We all walk into the ice cream parlour.

Ben pulls me aside.

"Hey what you did was really brave." He says smiling.

"Don't sweat it, i can do that in my sleep." I say.

"Your one cool girl Y/N." Ben says smiling and looking at me intensely.

"Your one cool boy Ben." I say looking back at him.

"Hopefully we will be in the same class." I say.

"I really hope so, your unlike any girl I have ever met." He says.

"I hope that's good." I smile.

"Trust me, it's good." He says.

A/N: I didn't put Beverly or Mike in as they hadn't met them in the movie yet :)

Question time
Q: If you eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?

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