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What movie you both love

Jaeden: Harry Potter and the Half - blood prince
You cry when dumbledore dies and he comforts you because who doesn't cry when dumble dore dies

Wyatt: Anchorman
You guys can't get over yourselves from laughing at almost every word in the movie and act out some of the scenes together

Finn: Love actually
You both love Christmas movies and you both cuddle during it aaaand Finn makes dirty jokes when some interesting scenes happen

Jack: Coraline
Even though it freaks you guys out you still love it, and when you get the tiniest bit scared he wraps his arm around to protect you

Chosen: The other guys
You and chosen absolutely love Mark whalberg and Will ferrel movies and you can't help but laugh every time they argue

Jeremy: Beauty and the beast
Literally will watch it any time you get to watch a movie. You both love the classical theme it has and you both sing every time a song plays

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