The Others

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                  Kai's P.O.V.

Whaddup? My name's Kai. I have reddish brown hair, that's messy,and sort of sticks up,  and brown eyes. What else...oh yeah, I'm a ninja. Now, continuing the story.

"Get some sleep?" I said aloud while brushing my teeth. "How can I get sleep?" I started to play with my toothbrush, pretending it was a sword. I looked in the mirror, and saw four figures all dressed in black standing behind me. I whipped around, and did some serious ninja moves on them. I spun around, and around, and around. I was doing spinjitzu! Sweet. One of the black clothed dudes flew into the wall. Another went up into the rafters. The two left spun too, and I was thrown outside. Ouch. So that's what it feels like. The two people that I threw earlier came running out too. "Enough!" Sensei Wo shouted. The four people stopped fighting immediately, and bowed. "Sensei, who is this?" A teen's voice asked. It's voice was muffled, so I couldn't tell it it was a girl or boy. "His name is Kai. He is your new partner." The four other ninjas took off their hoods. One had black shaggy hair and black eyes. He looks like he has swag. I'm jealus. He was taller than the other ninjas. Or is it ninja? Whatever. Two of the others were boys. There was only one girl. The two boys only came up to the black haired boy's chin, while the girl only came up to his shoulder. Another had brown hair, and brown eyes. He has a scar over his left eyebrow. That must've hurt while getting it. The last boy had platinum blonde hair, and dark eyes. He looked the oldest, and the calmest. The girl had dark brown hair on top, but around halfway down, her hair started to get lighter, until it looked like fire. Awesome. Her hair was long, but not like Rapunzel long. Normal long. She styled her hair into a braid, but even though, most of the hair in the front covered half of her face, but only the right side. Her eyes were brown with lighter fleck in them, so that they looked like gold on earth. Man, she is so beautiful....Stop it Kai! You need to save Nya! I thought. "Kai, this is Cole," Sensei said while pointing to the black haired boy. "Jay, Zane, and Zoe." Zoe waved. I waved back, and got a death glare from Zane. "Zane and Zoe are brother and sister," Cole explained. I nodded, my attention drawn back to sensei. "Together you will find the five golden weapons to help save Kai's sister, and to stop Lord Garmadon from getting them."

"You have a sister?" Jay asked. "Is she hot? What's her favorite color?" Zane elbowed him. "Jay," Zane's voice was cool, and calm. Sensei waved his hand, and the ninjas and I were airborne for a second, before coming back down in different outfits. Cole's was still black, but had a weird logo on the front. Jay's was blue, and he also had a logo. Zane's was white, with a logo, Zoe's blue, black, white, green, and red with the logo,  and mine was just red. "Sensei, why is mine still black?" Cole asked. "Ah, because like earth, you are unmovable. That is why Your uniform is still black." He moved on to Jay. "Jay, you have a great spark of personality. Your element is electricity." Next was Zane. "Zane, your calm, and think, your element is ice." Next up was me. "Kai, there is a fire inside of you, your element is fire." Last up was Zoe. "Zoe, you have a great spirit. You elements are, Earth, storms, fire, ice, and water." Zoe looked surprised. "Why do they only have one element?" She asked Sensei. "I do not know. What I do know is that you don't have Cole's strength." Zoe looked slightly annoyed. "You don't have time to eat, and suddenly Your the weakest!" she exclaimed. I laughed. "Come. We must go. Get your weapons, and meet me outside." Sensei left. "Ugh, not again!" Jay groaned. "What do you mean?" I asked. An evil smile apeared on Cole's face. "You'll see." Oh no.

Okay, so I know that Sensei Wo never said a lot of the words, but Hey, how was I supposed to remember? Hope you liked. Ninjago forever!

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