Chapter 31: The feeling which words can't express... are expressed in MUSIC

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"You don't know
You still don't know my heart
I'll show it all to you
That now, this is love"    

Nisoo POV

Woohyun said "Guess what? I got the permissions from hyungs that today in evening you can also perform with us... and a duet with me"

I was shocked, happy and many emotions were going through me....... I will perform ....... nearly after 3 to 4 months........ I really missed performing in stage a lot...... 

I said "What? Are you kidding me? People will not like if I will perform with you"

Myungsoo replied "Nisoo ah why won't people like it? Give me one enough reason"

I was dumbfounded at that moment they ... want me to perform with them.... Are they serious? I haven't sung for 3 months and didn't even performed.... 

I replied to Mungsoo "What if I ruined?" He said "No you won't I believe in you"

Woohyun said "So Nisoo ah make sure you come with Anna, SunTak and Eunbi okay?" I nodded

SKIP (In evening)

I was quite fine now... So I wish I can sing.... and I hope if anything wrong happens then Woohyun can help me to manage... and I wish if Krystal comes to attend this performance as she doesn't miss even one performance of Infinite... then I can show her the power  of friendship and love... which hatred can't destroy...

I opened my closet and picked a pink dress to wear

I opened my closet and picked a pink dress to wear

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I was happy... as I was going to sing....


As I entered I saw Anna with Eunbi.... Anna was wearing black and white.... Gosh!!! She was looking awesome... I wish Jungkook could see her.. Yeah yeah I ship them.... cause they look great together.. Not lying but support them

 Not lying but support them

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