Chapter Two

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Phoenix POV

I groaned rubbing my hands across my face listening to my annoying sisters arguing over who took whose clothing. I finally had it. "Guys just shut it!" I roared instantly regretting it as their eyes began to swim with tears as they ran up the stairs.

     I stood up from the couch stretching my hands above my head as i looked outside to the darkening woods. My wolf instantly whining to be let outside to run. I walked quickly to the glass sliding doors opening up to the beautiful and dense forest ahead of me. I stripped my clothes off not wanting them to be torn and left them lying flat on a large boulder. I took a deep breathe letting my bones break and change shape as my solid black wolf took over my human form.

     In a matter of seconds my wolf was bounding and sprinting off far into the forest that lay ahead. My wolf  had been cooped up for days not being let out. I honestly felt sorry for him and myself. I for one was cooped up in my office with alphas from around the country discussing strategies to abolish the rogues in the continent. Yes i hated rogues. Ever since my parents were killed i promised them and myself i would destroy their kind and to never let anyone that is close to me be hurt again.

As my wolf is sprinting off to who knows where, i hear a faint heartbeat in the distance. Usually there are always people walking and hiking throughout these parts but this was different. It was almost like that heartbeat was calling to it was meant for me. My wolf sensing the same feeling began to quietly walk into the direction that the beautiful heartbeat was. As we started getting closer the most addicting smell swarmed and took over my senses complitly. Vanilla and roses. My wolf started to walk faster toward the scent. Not wanting to be seen he maneuvered us to a densely wooded area where we wouldn't be seen. We both look through the brush at the most beautiful creature we've ever set eyes on. Hell the most beautiful we could ever dream of! The beautiful human sitting under a pine tree looking straight in our direction. The most beautiful and bright emerald green eyes stare directly into my dark grey ones. Kneeling closer to the ground trying to lose her sight we start to move backwards. Or so I thought. My wolf losing control abruptly stood up on its  hind legs in front of the beautiful girl. Well that's one why to catch 'em. I start cursing him out in his head. But of course he doesn't listen. To my surprise the girl just stares not even breathing. My wolf let itself down onto its four legs kneeling down in front of the human crawling closer and closer. He jerks his head up and we are both looking into her mesmerizing eyes. We only thought one thing.......Mate.

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