The seperation

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I am being forced to tell my story, the dark ones are executing me for treason. So here is my story and to tell it right I'm going to have to start where it all began.

I was four, my family took mine on a picnic near the woods. I can't remember well what my parents looked like but my dad always had his face buried in a book and my mother always drawing.

I decided to go play in the woods, but I got lost while trying to catch a butterfly. I tried to get out of the forest but no matter how many times I tried to leave I only managed to get deeper into the woods.

It was now dark out, I was a four year old stuck in the woods. All of a sudden I heard a howl, the howl kept getting closer till out of nowhere I saw a beautiful gray wolf in front of me, it smelt me and I think it could tell I was lost. It grabbed the collar of my brown coat and threw me on it's back.

The wolf started to run through the forest. I could feel the wind through my hair and I grab onto the wolf's fur tightly so that I wouldn't fall off.

The wolf brought me to a cave where we were greeted by other wolves with gray and black fur. The wolf that found me has gray and snow white hair though, it seemed different from the rest, it was smaller but seemed to not be weak.

I quickly found out the wolf gender when I got off... It was female. She took care of me, every night she would wrap her tail around me to keep me warm and every morning bring me barries. She tried to feed me meat but I didn't like it raw so it took awhile to get used to the taste but I mostly ate my barries.

When I turned 6 years old I started liking the meat she brought me. She started to teach me how to hunt, run through the woods, find my pray, and teach me the secrets about the wolves that only she knew.

I'm now 10 and she decided to take me to some sort of temple-like place, I decided to name her since for the last 6 years I called her wolfy. "Hi miss Wolfy can I name you since you don't have a name?", she stopped and spoke to me "Little Rafe I do have a name... It is Alvis", I looked at her surprised since I never heard her talk before "Wait... You... You... Can talk?", she looked at me with a smile on her face "Why yes... I know it's a surprise" she said while kinda laughing "but as you can tell I'm different then the rest of the wolves in our pack and I wish to show you what I really am." "What do you mean... You are a wolf... Aren't you?" I said with a confused face.

"Let me take you to the temple and you will see." She said while starting to run with me on her back.

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