Chapter 11 (not edited)

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**Scott's POV**

A car came speeding down just as Emma ran out into the road. There was no time for her to move out of the way or for the car to stop. When I saw her fall to the ground all my anger shifted away. I realised that she is one of my bestfriends and you can't help who you fall in love with. It's not her fault.

I run over to her and there's so many cuts. She's bleeding and unconscious. There's only a very small heartbeat telling me that she doesn't have a lot of time. I need to get her to the hospital now.

'Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't see her' a man says as he steps out of his car

'It's not your fault she ran out you had no time to stop' I say trying to comfort him. He's crying coming over to me trying to help Emma.

'What happened' I hear the evil fox as he runs out the door. As he sees Emma lying unconscious on the floor he all of a sudden doesn't seem evil anymore. His face drops and he runs over to her. 'What happened Scott' he says growling

'She ran out into the road and I accidentally hit her' the man says before I could answer. Suddenly the evil in void returns and he turns to the man.

'No don't do it' I growl knowing what he's about to do

But before I could get up and try to save the man I hear his neck snap and he falls to the ground. 'It wasn't his fault' I say shouting at void

'No. it was your ASWELL. I would kill you right now but I made a promise to her. Now get her in that mans car' he says as he picks up the dead body and shoves him in the trunk with no remorse.

I gently take hold of Emma and lie her down in the back seat. I sit next to her and void jumps in the drivers seat and we head to the hospital.


It's been over an hour of waiting. I haven't even told the rest of the pack that Emma's here yet. But void refuses to leave the hospital so I don't think having him and the pack in the same room is good right now. I couldn't stop thinking about what he said. Was it really my fault that she's in here? If I had just stopped and listened to her then none of this would have happened.

Suddenly my mom comes into the waiting room. 'Mom is she okay' I say jumping up. But she just looks down and Doesn't say anything.

'Tell me right now' void growls at her and I push him slightly away from her glaring at him.

'She's going to die. We can't save her. Too much damage had been done' she says with tears in her eyes.

I start to cry and I look over and see void getting angry. Angrier that I've ever seen him before. 'You have to turn her' he says gritting his teeth.

'What?' I question

'You have to turn her into a werewolf. It's the only way she'll survive'

'But it might kill her'

'You stupid mutt she's going to die anyway. Just bite her. It could save her life. If you don't I'll kill you and your pack'

'Fine I'll do it' I say worriedly and we walk over to her room.

There she is lying still. I don't want to turn her. She's never asked to be a supernatural creature. But it might be the only way to save her. She can't die like this. I have to do whatever it takes to save her. After all it is my fault that she's here.

Void closes the door and I shift into my wolf form and I bite down on her. She gasps softly.
'We just have to wait and see if it works now' I say shifting back.


I've waited beside Emma's bed for around 3 hours now. But nothing's happened she's still the same. Void standing at the other side of the room. We've put our differences away for now.

'No no no' I hear void say as he rushes over to her.

'What?' I shout

'There's back blood. Her body's rejecting the bite. She's dying' he says holding her hand and tears start to form in his eyes.

'What else can we do. You've been around for over a thousand years surely you must know something' I say desperately

He stops to think for five minutes and then his eyes grow wide. 'I might know one thing. It's dangerous and I don't know if it works. But it could save her life'

'What is it'

'You turn her into a nogistune'

'Are you crazy? Do you seriously think I'm going to let you turn her like you. So she becomes evil and murderous. No way'

'Scott I would never do anything to harm her you know that. And she doesn't have to be evil'

'What do you mean she doesn't have to. You are a trickster. If she turns into you she'll be just like you'

'A thousand years ago I become the trickster spirit because of what happened to me. I want always evil. But I liked to play tricks on people. Not bad ones but I used my powers to do it. Eventually the people in my village killed me. So I swore to get revenge. And that's how I grew to crave chaos and pain. She doesn't have to be like me. She's good. She'll have my powers but she doesn't have to use them for evil. I love her and I would never harm her. We have to try it' he says looking down lovingly at Emma. And it's at that moment I realised her actually does love her. And for some reason I believe him.

'Ok. How do we do it?'

'We need to mix my blood and hers together. Then I'll say a spell and we inject it back into her body. If it works she'll wake up and have all the same powers as me. She'll be strong. Even stronger than you. And she'll be immortal. But I know she'll use her powers for good. I just know it' he says never looking away from Emma.

'I'll go get a knife and bowl' o say running out the room.

When I return I give the bowl and the knife to him. He cute his palm and lets his blood fall into the bowl. Next he takes Emma's hand and gives it a small cut. He winces as he does it obviously not liking what he's doing. He mixes their blood together and chants something with I don't understand. 'Hand me a syringe' he says and I give it to him. He takes the blood and injects it into Emma's neck. 'We have to wait a while for it to take effect' he says slumping down into the chair beside her bed as I nod taking the chair in the corner of the room.

After a while of waiting suddenly we hear Emma gasp. Void and I jump up to her side and stare at her face. Her eyes flutter open slightly. I can see her eye colour is a little darker than before. More evil taking up the once light irises. But that's to be expected because the spell worked. She's alive. She's powerful and immortal. She's a nogistune.

Forbidden love- void stiles *book 2*Where stories live. Discover now