Chapter 19

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**scotts POV**

'Help' deaton said over the phone and suddenly the call ended. I quickly jumped up and called the pack to get done to the vet to see what happened with him. Emma isn't answering her phone but she's probably just asleep and doesn't here it.

When we got there I broke down the door and rushed in to find deaton laying on the floor in a puddle of his own blood. At first I though he was dead but I hear a faint heartbeat.

'He's still alive quick malia help me get him up. Stiles go start the care we need to take him to the hospital' I shout to the pack and everyone starts rushing

Me and malia grab deaton and pick him up and we drive to the hospital. I can't believe anyone would do this to deaton


And hour has past and we are still waiting in the hospital for deaton to wake up. The doctors say he lost a ton of blood but should be fine. It's a miracle he's still alive with the amount of blood he's lost.

'What do you think happened to him' Lydia asks through her sobs

'I have no clue' I say sighing

'The way he was stabbed. It's almost like Allison' Lydia says looking down

'No that can't be possible. We got rid of void and Theo who would be controlling them' I say panicked

'I don't know' she says 'but what's the other explanation. That's how the oni kill people'

'Well we need to find out who's controlling them then' I say. I hope this isn't true I can't handle the oni being back

'Have you phoned Emma again. She would want to be here' stiles says

'I'm trying but she's it answering. But you know her. She likes to sleep and the phone is probably on silent. We will speak to her tomorrow. I've also sent her a few texts' I say to the pack

'Scott' Lydia whispers quietly to me 'you don't think it was Emma do you? I mean she's a nogistune. Maybe her memories weren't wiped and she remembers everything and it's turned her dark' Lydia says quietly

'No there's no way. She was fine today. She was happy' I say but I don't truly believe what I'm saying. Part of me thinks it is her. 'I don't know. Maybe we should go see her after deaton wakes up' I say sadly and Lydia just nods

'Guys he's out of surgery and you can go see him but he won't be awake for a while' my mom says walking into the room

'Thank you' j say giving her a small hug

We all walk into the room and see deaton lying there. If it wasn't for the sounds of his faint breathing you would think that he's dead. I take his hand and try take some of his pain away. I pray he wakes up soon. We need to find out what happened to him


After a while of waiting deaton finally wakes up. And he's clearly in a state of panic and I rush over to calm him down.

'Deaton it's okay your in the hospital with some pretty bad wounds but your going to be fine.' I say giving him a small smile. 'Who did this what happened to you?' I questions worriedly

He was still weak to couldn't really speak. All he managed to choke out was the name of his attacker 'Emma' he sad sadly and the nurse suddenly comes in and says visiting hours are over.

I leave the room and go over to the pack.

'Did he say who it was?' Malia asks but I'm in too much shock the even answer her. Lydia was right. Emma tried to kill deaton. How could she?

Suddenly I drop to the floor and just start crying. I can't seem to stop myself. One of my closest friends in the whole world just tried to kill someone. Her memories must still be there. She must know that we had void sent to hell she knows everything and was pretending to be our friend.

'Scott what happend?' Kira asks pulling me into a fight hug and kissing me gently in my forehead.

I calmed myself down to tell the pack 'Emma. It was Emma. She tried to kill him' I say still slightly crying as the whole pack gasp in shock 'we have to go see her now. To show her that this can be fixed. That she doesn't have to go this way' I say and the pack all agree with me and we leave the hospital and drove to Emma's place.

****emmas POV****

I check my phone and see loads of missed calls from Scott and some messages saying that deaton was hurt badly and that he's on the hospital. Dammit. I silently curse myself and should have made sure that he was dead before I left. But it doesn't matter anymore. I can't go on pretending to be friends with the pack so it's actually best that deaton is alive and will tell the pack that it's me.

Suddenly I hear a car pull up outside my house and I know it's the pack that's come to confront me for what I've done. Truthfully I don't have a plan and I don't know what they are going to do to me. Suddenly I hear my front door open and the pack walks in

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